

No Journal, instead check Journals 1-10, make sure they are detailed and complete. Leave them above your groups sticker to be graded for this term or have Ms. Batten check them before you leave.

A2-Author's Purpose packet-Reviewed with 4th and 5th block. Students received this lesson back and reviewed it with Ms. Batten.

Shirt Distribution. Each student gets a Parker Pride shirt. See Ms. Batten for yours ASAP.

Short/Extended Response frame distributed to all students. Students instructed to use this frame when responding to questions that require textual support. A2 "Coming Into the Country" returned to students who didn't answer completely. Use the extended response frame to answer question 1, the short response frame for questions 2 and 3, and you don't need to use the frame for question 4, because it requires no textual support. This assignment deadline is today, 10/22


J#14-Ms. Batten's instructs each student whether to do Journal A or B.

A)We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion, and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still." -John Stuart Mill

B)The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen."
-Tommy Smothers

Think, pair, share and record examples from group members after responding in a detailed paragraph.

Exit 9 1)What grade did I earn in English III last term? 2)Name 3 specific tasks I will start/continue to improve/keep my grade in this class? 3)Why is it a must to pass this class? 4)After graduation, what specific goal do I hope to accomplish educationally or professionally?

Look at report card grade and conference with teacher if needed, pay particular attention to the participation grade. If passing, Ms. Batten sends you to the library to check out challenging book. Go to Lexile.com to look up the level of your current book. You should read something form lexile 900 or higher if you read at grade level. If you find books too difficult at this level, use the lexile.com tools to choose a book at your level.

Ms. Batten conferences with each student who did not receive a C or higher about what they need to change in order to make a passing score this term. Students also can work on their entries.

5th block, A2 "Coming Into the Country" Holt pg 10-13, Questions 1-4 need to be turned in ASAP.


Refer to J14 and do the opposite journal letter than you did the last class. If you did A the last class, you do B this class.

Journal Model distributed. Students instructed to keep this model. Model shows exactly how to do a journal in detail. Class also reviews the steps to responding to a journal quote.

Students instructed to copy Exit slip 10: 1)How will the short/extended response frame help me? 2)What are the steps when responding to a journal quote? 3)What is a connection and what are the 3 types? 4)How can the standards based bulletin board help you?

Review of A2-Coming Into the Country using the short/extended response frame.Class reviews the Extended and short frame, in detail, discussing each part. Students read question 1-2 on pg 13 of the Holt text.

Model-Extended and short response for "Coming Into the Country" is distributed.

Class discusses how the model answers every part of the question, elaborates and concludes. Everyone is instructed to keep the model, since they will answer many questions and write essays which require the use of textual support. The frames help students transition between text support and their explanation of the prompt or question.

Add the following texts to your Unit 1 Backmap: Coming Into the Country by Gish Jen
"They Live the Dream" by Dan Rather
Autobiographical Notes by James Baldwin
Daughter of Invention by Julia Alvarez

Students given time to work independently. While they are working, groups go on a gallery walk of the standards based bulletin board. Students observe how the bulletin board shows them high performing models of student work, with commentary. Also each student is told the symbols for understating checks, thumbs up=I understand, fist=I don't get this, thumb out to the side=I get some, but need more instruction. Also the listening symbol is reviewed. thumb and pinky out=I'm listening to you.

Proofreading symbols quiz is November 4. Study the handout given to you awhile ago, so you understand what each symbol means.

R19-21 Connections due today. R 22-24-Due 11/8


10/19 A-10/20 B

J#13- Discuss with group. B day does Journal 13 for first time. See J13 on last blog entry.

Exit slip questions reviewed in class during lesson. Marking the text is important because it keeps you connected and engaged to the reading and it organizes the text so you don't have to remember everything. You shouldn't mark everything the same way because you cannot distinguish between what is marked. There should be a difference so if you need to find a proper noun, there is a certain mark you look for. In an information text important details, data of any kind, proper nouns, vocabulary words they may ask about, transitions and quotes are important to mark. The board configuration is where the parts of the lesson are every day in class. You use it daily for exit slips, transitioning to the next part of the lesson and so you always know what to work on and when its due.

Turn in "The Cost of Capital Punishment" if you haven't already.

Review of SB 35 from Ms. Batten.

A2-"Coming Into the Country" p 10-13 Holt. Past due.

R19-21 Connections-Due 10/29
-Finish vocab word-group-for gallery and turn into basket
A2-lesson-(pretest below 60%) returned and reviewed

A2-Author's Purpose Post test



J#13-Differentiated Journal: See Ms. Batten for which journal you will respond to.

A)It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you." -Author Unknown

B)"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." -Thomas Paine

Add to texts read on Backmap for Unit 1: Coming Into the Country by Gish Jen.

Copy exit slip questions, answer and submit and lesson end.
Exit 8:
1)Why is marking the text a strategy that will help you be a more efficient reader? Name 2 reasons. 2)Why is it ineffective to mark everything you think is important the same way? 3)What should you mark in an informational text? List all. 4)What is board configuration and how do you use it daily in class?

Mark "The Cost of Capital Punishment" using the key discussed by Ms. Batten: Proper Nouns, data, vocabulary, transitions, and important details. Come up with a key and put it at the top of your paper. You shouldn't mark all of these the same. Turn in to basket after having Ms. Batten check it.
Debate: If time. Debate capital punishment using Fish Bowl Debate.

SB 35 checked today with questions from teacher.
A2-"Coming Into the Country" p 10-13 Holt. Write and answer questions on p13. Due Today.

R16-18-Inferences-Due 10/18 OR 19-21 Connections-Due 10/29
-Finish vocab word-group-for gallery
A2-lesson-(pretest below 60%) review
-Closing: student teaches connections


10/13 A-10/14B


Open to J12 and p11 of the Holt text. Make sure you have a Venn Diagram and detailed paragraph. I'm coming to check too, then we will discuss this.

Exit slip 7 due today

Mini Lesson: Author's Purpose: To inform, To persuade, To tell a story, To describe

Fill out pg 35 springboard book with the info given to you during the poem review.
R16-18 (Inferences) Due 10/18 OR R19-21 (Connections) due 10/29.
A2-"Coming Into the Country" (Everyone) Holt p 10-13. On pg 13, write the questions and answer each completely.
A2-lesson (for 60 percent or lower on the pretest)-Past Due
Conference about grades-bring portfolio and wkbk with you
-Context clues-retested-for those completing Florida-Achieves
-Vocab Gallery-group work


10/11 A-10/12 B

Turn to pg 11 of the Holt text, and compare and contrast the two pictures in a detailed paragraph. Refer to the pictures as the 1915 and 2007 photographs. Use a venn diagram as a pre-writing strategy. Transitions would also help. Such as, Similarly or In contrast.

Exit slip 7
1)What was Whitman's purpose in writing "I Hear America Singing"? 2)What was Hughes' purpose in writing "I, Too Sing America"? 3)What was Tremblay's purpose for writing "Indian Singing.."? 4)What was Jen's purpose in writing "Coming Into the Country"?

Mini-Lesson: Diction and Tone in poems on pg 36-39 SB. You will fill out pg 35 after this lesson in which Ms. Batten tells you which diction words should have been marked in each poem and the tone of each poem.

Finish Vocab Test if not done.

Work Independently on
R16-18 Inferences due 10/18 OR if finished iwht 16-18, Do R19-21 Making Connections Due 10/29 (Connections briefly explained)

(everyone). Read Holt pg 10-13EVERYONE-A2 "Coming Into the Country". On pg 13, write questions and answer each question completely.

A2-lesson(For pretest scores of 60% or below) Ms. Batten works through and reads the first part of the lesson and assignments with students. Then excercises are given to students. Due the next class for mandatory grade. Any student not working independently on their own work, who didn't have to participate in this lesson, will have to participate and turn assignment in, as well.

Closing: Person/Group teaches inferences

Conference about grades with teacher/She also will check wkbk pages

Author's Purpose Post-test coming.


10/7 A-10/8 B

J#11-Do all people still have access to the American Dream? Write your opinion in a detailed paragraph. Support your opinion by giving me reasons, facts and textual information.

Respond individually, discuss with group, share out loud

-W3-vocab 1 foldable, reviewed. LISTEN for test information. You will be tested on your ability to use these words correctly. Ms. Batten talks about usage problems with the following sentences and asks students how to fix them.
-We go by the communal at lunch together. (Communal isn't a noun)
-I am not inalienable with this. (No context clues, doesn't make sense)
-I am about to grievance. (No context clues, grievance isn't a verb)
-Abercrombie and Hollister are mainstream clothes. (used as an adj, but asked for noun)
-He disoriented when he fell from the tree. (Disoriented isn't a verb)
-When my sister screamed, she was grievance. (Grievance isn't an adj)

A2-Author's Purpose lesson started for students who didn't pass the pre-test for author's purpose. Mark pg 99, read 100 together, Mark 101, Do Exercises on 101 together, Do 102 on your own, mark pg 102 and 103 on your own and do exercises on 103. Review of pg 102-103 given. Do pg 104-105 for homework, on your own. Answer each question in right hand column on 104 and Do pg 105. Review together.

If you passed the pre-test, you should study for your vocab test, work on R13-15 Inferences due 10/8, work on R16-18 Inferences due 10/18, work on remediation via FCAT explorer for FCAT reading test or Florida-Achieves for Post-test context clues failure. Any student who isn't using time to work will be given the author's purpose lesson as a mandatory grade.


10/5 A-10/6 B

J#10 "History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
-Dwight D. Eisenhower
Respond, discuss with group, record their examples, discuss with class

Exit slip 6- 1)Why are we focusing on inferences for reading? 2)Why is it foolish to not turn in reading entries, weekly? 3)How many of Ms. Batten's students failed FCAT reading last year? 4) What happens if a student never passes FCAT? 5)When is the FCAT reading retake? 6)What are 3 ways a student can prepare themselves for the retake now?

Ra Ta Ta- Inferences reading entry taught in detail again via teacher modeling. Also, reviewed for each class the following class day to reinforce.

Configuration board reexplained to class, and used to transition them to each step.

W3-vocab 1 foldable- distributed and reviewed as a class. Teacher reviews the problems with vocab usage on the board.

Exit slips answers reviewed with class.

Last day to submit work for grading term 1 is October 18. Reviewed with class and on the board. J1-10 will be checked randomly for a grade on the board.

Reminders given about reading assignments due. R13-15, Inferences, due 10/18 and R15-18 due 10/18. Also, remediation reminder for students who received an FCAT test failure slip or a post-test slip. Remember you can go to Florida-Achieves.com following the information on the handout you signed for. Or if you didn't pass the FCAT reading test, you can go to Fcatexplorer.com. Make sure you see me to enroll you in explorer and if you finish the Florida-Achieves assignments.


10/1 A-10/4 B

J#9 "We must not believe the many who say that only free people ought to be educated, but we should rather believe the philosophers who say that only the educated are free." -Epictetus

Respond, Think, pair share, record examples of group members, Discuss as a class.

Exit slip 5: Due

Perform your poem with your group. Remember you will be graded on using appropriate tone and movement.

Take out your Backmap from Unit 1 and add the definition for the American Dream and the texts we've read so far in Unit 1 to the back of the backmap.

American Dream: The promise for one to better themselves and be provided access to education, properity, family (the way you want to raise one), freedom of speech, freedom of religion, free choice (voting), employment, equality, protection and security provided by the government, to own land or business, and a justice system which provides a fair trial to those accused.

Texts from Unit 1 so far:
"Good Immigration" by Kenneth Cole", "Ellis Island" by Joseph Bruchac, "Europe and America" by David Ignatow, "I Hear America Singing" by Walt Whitman, "I Too Sing America," by Langston Hughes, "Indian Singing in Twentieth Century America" by Gail Tremblay, "Gateway to Freedom" by Julie Snively, "Cost of Illegal Immigration", by CNN, Journal Quotes

7th block only: Reviewed and received back vocab 1 foldable

Test Vocab 1: Oct 8
R13-15 Inferences: Due Oct 8
Remediation for failed post tests, see notice given to you for deadline: Go to www.focus-floridaachieves.com. To prepare for FCAT reading retake test go to Fcatexplorer.com. For explorer, tell me so I can enroll you.



J#8-Watch and take notes during the clip "The Cost Illegal Immigration". After the clip, tell me how you feel about immigration into America in a detailed paragraph. Clip here

Copy Exit slip 5 and answer in class: Exit slip 5: 1)What is tone? 2)What is the name of the poem your group was assigned? 3)What is the tone of your poem?4)How do you know this is the tone? Be specific. 5)How does the author of your poem feel about America?

Work with group members on pg 36-39 on the poem your group was assigned by marking the diction (word choice)reflecting tone. Use the "My Notes" section to list adjectives that describe tone (see tone worksheet). List as many adjectives to describe the tone as you can.

Practice performing your groups poem using appropriate voice and movement. Everyone in group must participate. Watch the following clip for an example.

R10-12 Due on 9/30.
R12-15 Inferences Due 10/8