
10/5 A-10/6 B

J#10 "History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
-Dwight D. Eisenhower
Respond, discuss with group, record their examples, discuss with class

Exit slip 6- 1)Why are we focusing on inferences for reading? 2)Why is it foolish to not turn in reading entries, weekly? 3)How many of Ms. Batten's students failed FCAT reading last year? 4) What happens if a student never passes FCAT? 5)When is the FCAT reading retake? 6)What are 3 ways a student can prepare themselves for the retake now?

Ra Ta Ta- Inferences reading entry taught in detail again via teacher modeling. Also, reviewed for each class the following class day to reinforce.

Configuration board reexplained to class, and used to transition them to each step.

W3-vocab 1 foldable- distributed and reviewed as a class. Teacher reviews the problems with vocab usage on the board.

Exit slips answers reviewed with class.

Last day to submit work for grading term 1 is October 18. Reviewed with class and on the board. J1-10 will be checked randomly for a grade on the board.

Reminders given about reading assignments due. R13-15, Inferences, due 10/18 and R15-18 due 10/18. Also, remediation reminder for students who received an FCAT test failure slip or a post-test slip. Remember you can go to Florida-Achieves.com following the information on the handout you signed for. Or if you didn't pass the FCAT reading test, you can go to Fcatexplorer.com. Make sure you see me to enroll you in explorer and if you finish the Florida-Achieves assignments.