
10/7 A-10/8 B

J#11-Do all people still have access to the American Dream? Write your opinion in a detailed paragraph. Support your opinion by giving me reasons, facts and textual information.

Respond individually, discuss with group, share out loud

-W3-vocab 1 foldable, reviewed. LISTEN for test information. You will be tested on your ability to use these words correctly. Ms. Batten talks about usage problems with the following sentences and asks students how to fix them.
-We go by the communal at lunch together. (Communal isn't a noun)
-I am not inalienable with this. (No context clues, doesn't make sense)
-I am about to grievance. (No context clues, grievance isn't a verb)
-Abercrombie and Hollister are mainstream clothes. (used as an adj, but asked for noun)
-He disoriented when he fell from the tree. (Disoriented isn't a verb)
-When my sister screamed, she was grievance. (Grievance isn't an adj)

A2-Author's Purpose lesson started for students who didn't pass the pre-test for author's purpose. Mark pg 99, read 100 together, Mark 101, Do Exercises on 101 together, Do 102 on your own, mark pg 102 and 103 on your own and do exercises on 103. Review of pg 102-103 given. Do pg 104-105 for homework, on your own. Answer each question in right hand column on 104 and Do pg 105. Review together.

If you passed the pre-test, you should study for your vocab test, work on R13-15 Inferences due 10/8, work on R16-18 Inferences due 10/18, work on remediation via FCAT explorer for FCAT reading test or Florida-Achieves for Post-test context clues failure. Any student who isn't using time to work will be given the author's purpose lesson as a mandatory grade.