

No Journal, instead check Journals 1-10, make sure they are detailed and complete. Leave them above your groups sticker to be graded for this term or have Ms. Batten check them before you leave.

A2-Author's Purpose packet-Reviewed with 4th and 5th block. Students received this lesson back and reviewed it with Ms. Batten.

Shirt Distribution. Each student gets a Parker Pride shirt. See Ms. Batten for yours ASAP.

Short/Extended Response frame distributed to all students. Students instructed to use this frame when responding to questions that require textual support. A2 "Coming Into the Country" returned to students who didn't answer completely. Use the extended response frame to answer question 1, the short response frame for questions 2 and 3, and you don't need to use the frame for question 4, because it requires no textual support. This assignment deadline is today, 10/22


J#14-Ms. Batten's instructs each student whether to do Journal A or B.

A)We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion, and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still." -John Stuart Mill

B)The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen."
-Tommy Smothers

Think, pair, share and record examples from group members after responding in a detailed paragraph.

Exit 9 1)What grade did I earn in English III last term? 2)Name 3 specific tasks I will start/continue to improve/keep my grade in this class? 3)Why is it a must to pass this class? 4)After graduation, what specific goal do I hope to accomplish educationally or professionally?

Look at report card grade and conference with teacher if needed, pay particular attention to the participation grade. If passing, Ms. Batten sends you to the library to check out challenging book. Go to Lexile.com to look up the level of your current book. You should read something form lexile 900 or higher if you read at grade level. If you find books too difficult at this level, use the lexile.com tools to choose a book at your level.

Ms. Batten conferences with each student who did not receive a C or higher about what they need to change in order to make a passing score this term. Students also can work on their entries.

5th block, A2 "Coming Into the Country" Holt pg 10-13, Questions 1-4 need to be turned in ASAP.


Refer to J14 and do the opposite journal letter than you did the last class. If you did A the last class, you do B this class.

Journal Model distributed. Students instructed to keep this model. Model shows exactly how to do a journal in detail. Class also reviews the steps to responding to a journal quote.

Students instructed to copy Exit slip 10: 1)How will the short/extended response frame help me? 2)What are the steps when responding to a journal quote? 3)What is a connection and what are the 3 types? 4)How can the standards based bulletin board help you?

Review of A2-Coming Into the Country using the short/extended response frame.Class reviews the Extended and short frame, in detail, discussing each part. Students read question 1-2 on pg 13 of the Holt text.

Model-Extended and short response for "Coming Into the Country" is distributed.

Class discusses how the model answers every part of the question, elaborates and concludes. Everyone is instructed to keep the model, since they will answer many questions and write essays which require the use of textual support. The frames help students transition between text support and their explanation of the prompt or question.

Add the following texts to your Unit 1 Backmap: Coming Into the Country by Gish Jen
"They Live the Dream" by Dan Rather
Autobiographical Notes by James Baldwin
Daughter of Invention by Julia Alvarez

Students given time to work independently. While they are working, groups go on a gallery walk of the standards based bulletin board. Students observe how the bulletin board shows them high performing models of student work, with commentary. Also each student is told the symbols for understating checks, thumbs up=I understand, fist=I don't get this, thumb out to the side=I get some, but need more instruction. Also the listening symbol is reviewed. thumb and pinky out=I'm listening to you.

Proofreading symbols quiz is November 4. Study the handout given to you awhile ago, so you understand what each symbol means.

R19-21 Connections due today. R 22-24-Due 11/8