
10/9-10/11 English III B Day

FCAT Retakes this week

M&M 16)intracoastal
intra: within   coast: side/edge of land    al: of the kind, pertaining to the form or character of

intracoastal (adj): located or occurring withing a coastline, close to the coast

The Intracoastal Waterway marks the dividing line between Jacksonville and its coastal communities.

Do: Own sentence, no peer review.

Take out Exit 3 and Venn Diagram. 4th block discusses Venn diagram again as a class. Students should add to their diagram anything the class discusses.

Comparision/Contrast essay powerpoint-Student taught how to organize (Venn Diagram), transition, support (point-to-point), write a thesis, and a hook.

Groups write a thesis together on Idol vs. Xfactor, each member on their paper. Group member write a hook together on Idol vs. Xfactor. Each group member must submit their Venn diagram, their group hook, and their group thesis on their own paper to the in basket.


Study for M&M Quiz 6th block

Copy Exit 4: CC Essay: Intro/Conclusion (7 pts)-80%
1)Where does one place their thesis statement in an essay? (1pt)
2)What 3 things must one do in a comparison/contrast thesis statement (3 pts)
3)Why is it important to make sure your hook and thesis connect? (1pt)
4)What are 2 things one should do in their conclusion? (2 pts)

Students told that Exit 3 and 4 not due until the next class.

Student setup W1-How to Write a Comparison/Contrast Essay
  1. Students reminded how to head paper, and told to put title above as well as See Exit 3 and 4 for both essential question and Summary.
  2. Organize-Must start by organizing with a diagram such as a Venn Diagram (example Xfactor/Idol)
  3. Narrow Diagram down to points that you can write about and choose at least 2 points for support.
  4. Thesis statement: Must have the works and author(s) to be compared, the points of comparison/contrast, and the so-what or the why you are comparing these works (to help with the so what think of why the works were created in the first place. For example, Idol and Xfactor were created to give beginning singers a chance to achieve their dream of becoming a singer)
  5. Hook: Look back at your thesis. Your hook should relate. You can start with a quote, background info, describe the writing situation, or with a general statement
  6. Make sure your groups hook and thesis connect (make sense). Class looks at my model hook ( a quote from Alice Walker) and my thesis (comparing Walker to Cisneros via struggle, family influence and cultural backgrounds). Readers would be confused that I didn't introduce Cisneros if I do not add a middle to connect the hook to the thesis. Write a connector between your hook and thesis with your group (remember you all have your own copy of this group work-all of you write this on your own paper).
  7. Students told to refer to the works or the authors throughout paper, otherwise reader will be lost. Also, when referring to the works or the author's always keep them in the same order each time you mention them. This helps your reader as well.
  8. Comparison/Contrast transitions must be added to paper or you will not have succeeded at comparing and contrasting. You cannot just point out details without showing how they are related: For example: Similarly on Idol... On the other Hand XFactor... Although Idol..., XFactor
  9. Students instructed to split their points/supporting paragraphs up with their group members. Each person writes one paragraph. This is not done as a group. So if my group had rules and judges, 2 of us could write our own paragraphs about the judges, and 2 of us would write our own paragraphs about the rules. Finish this for homework if not done in class. Turn in.
Cnotes to be continued Next Class

Grading Term 1-All Late work Due 10/17-No work accepted after that date