
9/27 B English III

M&M 12)malaise (n.): Copy chart, definition, sentence. Then do your own sentence using context clues and draw a picture illustrating the meaning of the word.

Group duties officially assigned. Participation points will be deducted if students do not complete this when given time.

My.hrw.com described in class as the Holt book online. Students reminded that the login: tparker806 and password: braves is at the top of their class procedures handout. Students shown how to use the book on this site so they always have access to the Holt book at home.

Battensclasses.blogspot.com reviewed. 4th-Reviews problems with Ain't I a Woman. All classes review R3-SIG setup and what the class did together the last class. Students given 20 minutes to finish this chart on their own. They must read through pg 1314. R3-SIG due today or finish for homework and have 
next class.

Ms. Batten gives all remaining Class Procedures Tests. If absent, must come in during lunch or after school. She also conferences with almost every student about their R3-SIG assignment.

Review of Straw Into Gold-the essay. Both classes to continue review the next class. Exit 2-SIG-80% not due until the next class.


9/25 English III

M&M 6-10 turned in if not turned in last class. Start new paper for 11-15.
M&M 11)disconsolate (adj)  Copy chart, definition and sent  For chart: dis=not, opposite, absence of    console=to lesson sorrow or grief, comfort   ate=makes words verbs or adj Definition: extremely unhappy, heartbroken. After his mother's desk, Peter walked around in a disconsolate mood and he felt like sleeping all day. DO: Draw a picture illustrating this word and write a sentence using the word with context clues.
Have a peer review both your sentence and picture. Make sure they include their name with their comment.

Sign up for a group duty. Student files explained for class (5th block never explained)-black bin by basket contains each student file. This includes things like your student questionnaire, your progress reports and data. Do not remove anything from these files-they are for conferences with Ms. Batten. (4th Block-still needs to review R1-Ain't I a Woman- problems-see last blog entry for explanation of score.)

Take out Exit 1. Turn to pg 1294 OMG-Holt. Class discusses story in detail, such as
1)Author starts with a hook/anecdote 2)excerpt Woolf-Walker’s brackets and reason 3)Ma Rainey-purpose for this allusion (student problems with allusion reasons discussed) 4)poem by Walker and why its not an allusion 5)how her mother used gardening as an outlet for her creativity 5)Wheatley and Roberta Flack and why allusions were used-It is not acceptable to put Roberta Flack-singer, allusion used because she is a singer. This doesn't tell me why she threw a singer in the middle of a story about her mother, her becoming a writer or about unknown geniuses, 1299: Reading Focus Question 1  6)purpose Walker wrote this, purpose for her allusions to mostly famous people, and main idea(s) of the essay

Turn in Exit 1-OMG-7 points to basket-80% assessment-DO not copy. Students discuss why it is important not to copy exit slips. Exit 1 returned to students who submitted last class and asked to fix and return.

Copy Exit 2:Straw Into Gold-9 points-80%
1)What are the different purposes for writing  (3 pts) 2)What is Cisneros' purpose for writing SIG? 3)How is Cisneros' story similar and different to Walker's story? (4 pts)

Class starts Straw Into Gold together pg 1310-1311. Setup R3-SIG (Straw Into Gold) just like you did R2 with allusions on the left and notes on the right. Remember the left is page number, Allusion, brief description of allusion and why the author included the allusion. Remember your reason should relate to the story's main idea somehow.. On the right, your notes should reflect details that contribute to the main idea which is about Cisnero's journey to become a writer. Ms. Batten models with class:

1310- Straw Into Gold-title alludes to the fairy tale in which Rumpelstiltskin held a woman captive and demanded she spin straw into gold. Allusion used perhaps to show that like the woman in the fairy tale, a character in this story will have an impossible task to complete
Read through end of story to 1314 and add allusions to the left side of your chart. Make sure you follow directions. There are less allusions in this story. You may find 2-3 max.)

-While living in France, author was invited to a dinner, which she was expected to make.
-Dinner guests assumed because she was Mexican she could make Mexican food, but she had never made tortillas
-Her Mother-from country folk
-Her Father-from inland, poor
Read through the end of the story to 1314 and add notes to the right side of your chart which contribute to the main idea: her in graduate school, her as a youth, her family's influence on her writing, her accomplishments: how she became a writer.

Will finish assignment next class-15 minutes will be given to finish. If not done with R2-which was due today, you can still do for partial credit. Remember the go to the Holt book online  The login is tparker806 and the password is braves. Click on the orange book and type in the page number. 1294 OMG 1310 SIG.


9/21 B Day English III

M&M review 2. Turn in M&M 6-10 (bipartisan-denotation) in order, stapled together to basket.

Take out Exit 1-OMG-80%, R2-OMG and Holt books. The class reviews R2 and the chart everyone filled out together the last class from Battensclasses.blogspot.com. Students reminded that on the allusion side, they are to put the pg number, the allusion, a brief description of the allusion and most importantly the reason why she included the allusion. For the reason, they may struggle a bit. To help, they should always think, why would she randomly throw this allusion in the middle of a story about how her creative mom influenced her to become a writer or how does this relate to the main idea of this story.

For example, the allusion on 1296, Sainthood-a group of African American women who went insane due to their creativity being stifled.

The student should ask, what do these women have to do with Alice Walker becoming a writer or her mother's creativity. Then they should make an inference: a guess

Inference: Maybe Walker included this allusion to show what happens if a woman doesn't have a way to express herself, like her mother and she were able to do. Perhaps not all women found an outlet.

Also student will want to look at the footnotes and the context in order to make the inference. For example, in the footnote it explains the Ma Rainey is a famous Blues singer. But in the context it says that she sang songs that bore the name of their creator, unlike her mother..

Inference: Perhaps she included this allusion to show the contrast between Rainey who was famous and sang about herself versus her mother who wasn't famous and didn't brag about her talents to anyone, so no one knew they existed. Maybe she is trying to tell us that some of the most creative and talented people aren't always famous or well known.

Reminders: Do not forget to add any detail that relates to the main idea of the story on the right side-these should be notes about Walker's mother, Walker, or her and her mother's creativity

Students given 30 minutes to finish the R2-OMG Allusions and notes on their own. If they didn't finish, they had to complete the assignment for homework with the online Holt book the login is my.hrw.com  and the passwords is tparker806 (When navigating on the site, click on the orange book, and type the page number in the box at the top of the page, click arrows to move to next page). Ms. Batten helped students with the first 5 allusions, there are at least 7 more. Students should have at least 10 allusions down on the left-making sure they include the reason they think she used the allusion.

Exit 1-OMG-80% can be turned in today or the next class. Ms. Batten will review the assignment before students have to complete.

5th: Reviewed R1-Cnotes/Ain't I a Woman-grading, main idea and author's purpose

Ain't I a Woman: In the margin you were supposed to put the main idea and the author's purpose in sentence format. You only lost points if you didn't follow directions, however, a lot of you are confused about the main idea and purpose. Main idea is basically what the speech is about and the purpose is to inform, persuade or entertain in sentence format, and it cannot be all 3. You would want to decide which the author does the most. For example in the poem the main idea really is: Women are just as good as men and deserve equal rights (don't copy my main idea-do your own.) The purpose: She is writing to persuade women to band together and demand equal rights (don't copy my purpose-do your own). On the Back wksht: we reviewed the answers together. I also gave this assignment to students with comments for how to fix, elaborate answers. Some students lost points because they didn't fix anything, despite being given a chance to.

On the Cnotes-Allusions-Students were graded using the Cnotes rubric.

Papers were returned-students directed what to do with assignments since this is the first time papers were handed back. Students were also instructed to update their TOC for each section as they received assignments if they hadn't already done so.

Progress Reports distributed to all students present.


9/19 Early Release Day-English III

Take out M&M 6-10 and study words/prefixes for class review session, today and next class.

Students randomly drawn to answer M&M questions for words in all classes. Students asked if they need a copy of the morphological magic words from all classes. Handouts distributed to students who want one.

Take out Exit 1-Our Mother's Garden-7pts-80%- see last blog for slip 1-worth 3 points, 2-2 points, 3-2 points. Students are to listen for the answers to the exit slip questions throughout the lesson today and next class. Question 1 was answered the last class. Remember not to copy someone's exit slip or let them copy from you.

Open Holt book up to pg 1294. Setup R2-OMG (Our Mother's Garden) by folding a piece of paper in half or drawing a line down the middle of the page. Label the left hand column Allusions. On the left you will write the page number, the allusion, a brief description of the allusion, and why you think the author included the allusion. Label the right column as notes, and take notes on anything that relates to her focus: Walker  became a writer because her mother's creativity inspired her. 

Class reads pg 1294 to first few paragraphs of 1295 together. Students should chart as class discusses. Ms. Batten helps them with the first part:

On the right for example the class wrote:
-her mother pregnant at 17, ran away, married
-At 20, she has 2 children and pregnant with 3rd
-Author born as 5th child
-Mother struggles with racism
Finish the story through 1298 and keep adding details that relate to Walker becoming a writer or her mother's or others' creativity.

On the left for example the class wrote:
1295 Crucifixion-Jesus crucified on the cross/biblical-allusion used to describe what the unknown woman had on her quilt
1296 Virginia Woolf-English novelist-allusion used perhaps because Walker and Woolf shared similar beliefs. Woolf pointed out that genius exists in lower class and repressed people. Walker says "look high and low" for creativity, not just high.
1296 Emily Bronte-Author-allusion used perhaps because Bronte may have been a woman who struggled to become a writer during her time period. But she made it as a writer despite this.
1296-Robert Burns-Author-allusion used perhaps because Burns may have struggled to be a poet in Scotland, but he made it as a writer anyway. His creativity wasn't stifled, or perhaps he was inspired by someone like Walker was by her mother.
1296-Sainthood-Black woman in south called Saints driven to madness. Allusion used perhaps to show what happens when you stifle a woman's creativity. Maybe Walker is telling us that everyone, especially women need an outlet for their creativity.
Finish the story through 1298- There are at least 12 allusions. Find at least 10 of them. Doing the rest during a quiet work period the next class.

Next Class: Papers returned, review of R1 and R2, Finish Exit 1 and submit, Group duties signed up for, Class Procedures Tests Finalized, Late Portfolios to be shown to Ms. Batten for credit


9/17 English III

Word 10-M&M-denotation (n.), Copy chart, copy dictionary definition and look up dictionary definition of shack and cabin or copy charts and definitions from a classmate.

de: down from or about   nota: to distinguish  tion-makes words nouns

denotation: literal definition of a word, NOT the feelings a word suggests (or connotation)

After looking up/copying definitions for shack and cabin, you will see their denotation is the same, however the connotation each word has is very different. We imagine a shack as an undesirable place to live and a cabin as a vacation home.

See Ms. Batten for a copy of current M&M words from all of your classes.

Copy Exit slip 1-80%-7 pts-Our Mother's Garden 1)Name 3 interesting facts about Walker (3 pts) 2) What purpose does Walker have for using allusions in OMG (2 points) 3)What is the main ides of OMG in sentence format? (2 pts)

Battensclasses.blogspot.com shown to class and students asked review questions to make sure they are listening. Control+f used to show students how to find things quickly.

R1-Allusions and Ain't I a Woman returned with comments. Students given time to fix all comments, even things marked wrong. Class reads listens to poem/speech read aloud. Afterward they are to write the 1) the main idea in sentence format and 2)the author's purpose in sentence format. Main idea is what her main message is that she wants to leave everyone with. Purpose should start with to explain, to persuade or to entertain.
-Students also given a chance to fix or add to Cnotes. Common problems discussed. Students are to turn back in R1 with additions and corrections.

Students listen to background Alice Walker-from youtube and read pg 1292 in Holt book. If absent you can go to the Holt book online with login: tparker806 pw: braves and click on the orange book, and type in the page number at the top.

After listening to Walker's background, answer exit slip question 1. Students warned not to copy exit slips because they can always fix them, they are 80% of your grade and they should reflect your learning, not others. So the answers should be in your words, not copied.

New groups 4th block. Group duties signed up for in 5th block.


9/13 B English III

M&M 9) consummate-Copy chart, sentences, and infer meaning of consummate

Prefix                            root                               suffix
Con=together                summa=the sum             -ate: forms adjectives and verbs

1. She is a consummate student who turns in every assignment on time and never misses a day of school.
    Infer meaning:
    Actual meaning: if absent look it up or get from a classmate after you inferred meaning.
2. They consummated the project by correcting all spelling mistakes and verifying all facts before submitting.
    Infer meaning:
    Actual meaning: if absent look it up or get from a classmate after you inferred meaning.

H4-Cnotes rubric and assistance: Label all handouts on Cnotes as H4 including: Cnote rubric, Costa's flip book (optional), Learning Cornell notes (optional), STAR handout. Read over STAR Handout front and back. Come up with your own shortcuts and list them at the bottom.

R1 Allusions Cnotes and "Ain't I a Woman" handout  Ms. Batten quizzes class on Allusions and the notes they took the last class. You should know what an allusion is, the types of allusions, why an author uses allusions and name some specific examples of allusions from the presentation the last class.

Edit and Add to notes if needed from review and new slides. Finish Cnotes, clarify, edit, answer Essential Question in 3-4 sentences and come up with levels of questions on left. Remember its 1-level 1, 1-level 2, 1-level 3 always if I don't say something different. Label the levels, so I know you understand the difference.

Then Finish the Ain't I a Woman wksht on your own. Reviewed in class together and shared background information about Sojourner Truth.

Staple the Allusion Cnotes to the completed Ain't I a Woman wksht and turn in today.-20%

5th block-Reviewed Battensclasses.blogspot.com and that control+f means find.

Class Procedures Tests Continue


9/11 English III

M&M 8)counterargument: copy chart or look up the prefix, root and suffix of the word, copy definition or look up the definition an write on paper. Activity: Come up with a counterargument for one of the following:
1)Students shouldn't be allowed to have bookbags on campus because they could hide weapons.
2)Smoking should be allowed in public because smokers have rights.
3)Television is the biggest contributor to youth violence.
Write the counterargument on your paper. Make sure it is your counterargument. You cannot copy someone else's. Have a peer review and add their name and comment next to your counterargument.

Class reviews H3)Group rules and procedures aloud in class. Students are expected to know these guidelines and rules so they can work with groups efficiently and receive full participation points for group work.

Expectations-Ms. Batten speaks to students about her high expectations of them, ramping it up to the level they should be at, how she expects them to be self-motivated learners and follow the rules and procedures we have gone over for 3 weeks. Students should start acting like 11th graders and becoming more independent and mature, rather than expecting teachers to make things easy, simple or to think for them.

If portfolio was never checked off by Ms. Batten, you must bring it to her to check off. There will be a late penalty but you will still get credit.

Cnotes/Cornell Notes-reviewed. H4)Cornell Notes rubric distributed to all students. If absent, look beside in basket for one. Optional handouts which should also be labelled as H4-Cornell notes assistance were:
Helping Student's Learn the Cornell Style and Costa's Levels of Questioning.
Everyone reads the cornell notes rubric together so everyone knows the expectations Ms. Batten will have when grading notes.

R1-Allusions Cnotes/"Ain't I a Woman"- Ain't I a Woman speech distributed. Students setup their own Cnotes. Both these assignments are R1.
For Cnotes on Allusions:
Topic/Objective: to understand Allusions and their Importance
Essential Question(s): What is an allusion?( What are the types (name at least 4) and why do authors use them in writing?
Students told to always assume with Cnotes to come up with 1-level 1, 1-level 1, and 1-level 3 question unless told otherwise.

Student take Cnotes on allusion presentation. If absent they can get the notes from their classmate, but they must be able to explain the notes to Ms. Batten when she asks.

For "Ain't I a Woman"-
Flip to student worksheet. Without reading the speech/poem, the class completes line 1 and line 6 together.
The man: allusion to government or the white man: historical, cultural allusion
Or Over mud puddles: alluding to how men used to put their jacket over mud puddles for women or carry them over mud puddles to be a proper gentleman: Historical, cultrual allusion

Class to finish worksheet the next class.



9/5 Early Release Day
4th-college lesson plan-What is need to be college ready?
5th-Morphological Magic Quiz and Grading

All classes: Study all M&M words for quiz today in your 5th block class. Turn in words 1-5 by stapling or paper clipping together. 1)apathetic (adj), 2)advocate (n. or v.) 3)ambiguous (adj.) 4)antecedent (n. or adj.) 5)benevolent

Start new set of M&M words on a new piece of paper. Word 6)bipartisan, copy chart, definition and sentence. Now complete sentence by adding on context clues. If absent, get the chart and definition from another classmate. Add context clues to the following sentence: The bill had bipartisan support. Complete the sentence on your own and do not copy another student's sentence.

Portfolio checks continue. Portfolio organizations started. Students make title page with their full name, English III, Ms. Batten, Period Number.

Students make dividers and  a table of contents for each section: Handouts, M&M, Reading, Writing, Exit Slips

Cnotes Class Procedures H1) Class Procedures Cnotes past due. Answer EQ-Essential Question, make sure you have 1-1, 2-2, 2-3 levels of questions.

Owen Meany chosen as book by students revealed.

9/7 Pep Rally Schedule/Pictures
 M&M word 7)circuitous (adj)- copy chart, definition, come up with own sentence using context clues. Get a peer comment and make sure they put their name. Their comment cannot be a smiley, face, good job, or a check, but an actual comment. You don't get points unless they put a comment and their name. If absent, copy chart and definition from a classmate. Come up with your own sentence using circuitous, but do not copy another students sentence. Have someone review your sentence and add their comment and name.

Both classes-M&M results discussed. Missed quizzes cannot be made up as the are only extra credit in this class. Students receive extra points for anything over 80%. Still waiting on scores from 5th block teachers. Most students received around 50%. Only 2 students in all of my English classes received above 80%. There were 8 questions everyone should have done well on because of the prefixes learned in this class. Some students aren't listening well enough to the M&M review in this class or any class. I will be monitoring their quiz results and expect to see them improve.

Portfolio organization continued. Each section must have a table of contents. Ms. Batten helps students set up Handouts TOC and M&M TOC. Students are responsible for maintaining their portfolio and the table of contents for each section.

H3) Group Rules and Procedures. 4th block-read whole handout. 5th block only Procedures side.
Group tower activity.

Underclass Yearbook Pictures and pep rally.


8/21-8/31 English III-first 2 weeks of school


Class Procedures/Rules/Syllabus handout distributed to students. Class reviews together.

Morphological Magic vocab. activity explained to class. They will be keeping all words from this class in a section titled M&M. They must copy the chart, definition and complete the vocab. activity daily. 1) Apathetic- copy chart, definition, write a sentence using context clues, draw a picture. Complete Student Questionnaire and turn in.

Start Name tents-do not have to make up if absent.


M&M: 2) Advocate, copy chart, definition, use word in a sentence using context clues. Have a peer evaluate your sentence for proper use and context clues. They must write their name and comment.

Cnotes/Cornell Notes-Class Procedures started. Objective: learning Class Procedures. Essential Question (EQ). : How does one create success (in this class) and why is there a need for procedures?

Groups jigsawed to teach their section of procedures to class.

Take notes as you read through the handout on the right side only. Finish name tents. Finish student questionnaire. Portfolio and info sheets due 8/29 B.


M&M 3)Ambiguous-copy chart, definition, model, come up with own sentence

Jigsaws finished and all groups present, while students take Cnotes on Class Procedures. Students present name tent. Powerpoint on Cnotes and levels of questions, level 1, 2, 3. In left side of Cnotes, come up with 1-level1, 2-level 2, 2. Level 3. Quexes-Question Experts identified. Edit C- notes from Batten’s lecture about procedures.

Answer EQ-Essential Question in 3-4 sentences.

Icebreaker autographs. Owen Meany or independent reading voting.


M&M 4)Antecedent, copy chart, grammar definition, 5 practice sentences, noun definition. Underline the antecedent in each sentence. Come up with your own sentence using antecedent as an adj or noun.


Mary saw John and thanked him (John)

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. (People)

We call him John Doe because little is known of his identity ( ) John Doe

I get worried when the neighbors let their dog out. ( ) neighbors

The dog goes wild and he always messes up my front yard. ( )dog

The people were enjoying their vacation. ( ) People

Turn in icebreaker-autographs. Finish Cnotes/ levels of questions. Study for test


M&M 5) Benevolent- Copy chart, definition, model and list as many synonyms and antonyms as possible.

Turn in Class Procedures Cnotes with EQ-essential question answered, 1-level1, 2-level 2, and 2 level 3 questions.

Portfolio check, Info sheets Due.

Class Procedures Tests-80% started-Oral test. These will continue the next class.

Fill out name cards (4th block only)