
9/17 English III

Word 10-M&M-denotation (n.), Copy chart, copy dictionary definition and look up dictionary definition of shack and cabin or copy charts and definitions from a classmate.

de: down from or about   nota: to distinguish  tion-makes words nouns

denotation: literal definition of a word, NOT the feelings a word suggests (or connotation)

After looking up/copying definitions for shack and cabin, you will see their denotation is the same, however the connotation each word has is very different. We imagine a shack as an undesirable place to live and a cabin as a vacation home.

See Ms. Batten for a copy of current M&M words from all of your classes.

Copy Exit slip 1-80%-7 pts-Our Mother's Garden 1)Name 3 interesting facts about Walker (3 pts) 2) What purpose does Walker have for using allusions in OMG (2 points) 3)What is the main ides of OMG in sentence format? (2 pts)

Battensclasses.blogspot.com shown to class and students asked review questions to make sure they are listening. Control+f used to show students how to find things quickly.

R1-Allusions and Ain't I a Woman returned with comments. Students given time to fix all comments, even things marked wrong. Class reads listens to poem/speech read aloud. Afterward they are to write the 1) the main idea in sentence format and 2)the author's purpose in sentence format. Main idea is what her main message is that she wants to leave everyone with. Purpose should start with to explain, to persuade or to entertain.
-Students also given a chance to fix or add to Cnotes. Common problems discussed. Students are to turn back in R1 with additions and corrections.

Students listen to background Alice Walker-from youtube and read pg 1292 in Holt book. If absent you can go to the Holt book online with login: tparker806 pw: braves and click on the orange book, and type in the page number at the top.

After listening to Walker's background, answer exit slip question 1. Students warned not to copy exit slips because they can always fix them, they are 80% of your grade and they should reflect your learning, not others. So the answers should be in your words, not copied.

New groups 4th block. Group duties signed up for in 5th block.