
8/21-8/31 English III-first 2 weeks of school


Class Procedures/Rules/Syllabus handout distributed to students. Class reviews together.

Morphological Magic vocab. activity explained to class. They will be keeping all words from this class in a section titled M&M. They must copy the chart, definition and complete the vocab. activity daily. 1) Apathetic- copy chart, definition, write a sentence using context clues, draw a picture. Complete Student Questionnaire and turn in.

Start Name tents-do not have to make up if absent.


M&M: 2) Advocate, copy chart, definition, use word in a sentence using context clues. Have a peer evaluate your sentence for proper use and context clues. They must write their name and comment.

Cnotes/Cornell Notes-Class Procedures started. Objective: learning Class Procedures. Essential Question (EQ). : How does one create success (in this class) and why is there a need for procedures?

Groups jigsawed to teach their section of procedures to class.

Take notes as you read through the handout on the right side only. Finish name tents. Finish student questionnaire. Portfolio and info sheets due 8/29 B.


M&M 3)Ambiguous-copy chart, definition, model, come up with own sentence

Jigsaws finished and all groups present, while students take Cnotes on Class Procedures. Students present name tent. Powerpoint on Cnotes and levels of questions, level 1, 2, 3. In left side of Cnotes, come up with 1-level1, 2-level 2, 2. Level 3. Quexes-Question Experts identified. Edit C- notes from Batten’s lecture about procedures.

Answer EQ-Essential Question in 3-4 sentences.

Icebreaker autographs. Owen Meany or independent reading voting.


M&M 4)Antecedent, copy chart, grammar definition, 5 practice sentences, noun definition. Underline the antecedent in each sentence. Come up with your own sentence using antecedent as an adj or noun.


Mary saw John and thanked him (John)

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. (People)

We call him John Doe because little is known of his identity ( ) John Doe

I get worried when the neighbors let their dog out. ( ) neighbors

The dog goes wild and he always messes up my front yard. ( )dog

The people were enjoying their vacation. ( ) People

Turn in icebreaker-autographs. Finish Cnotes/ levels of questions. Study for test


M&M 5) Benevolent- Copy chart, definition, model and list as many synonyms and antonyms as possible.

Turn in Class Procedures Cnotes with EQ-essential question answered, 1-level1, 2-level 2, and 2 level 3 questions.

Portfolio check, Info sheets Due.

Class Procedures Tests-80% started-Oral test. These will continue the next class.

Fill out name cards (4th block only)