

Finish Ch 17-20 TEWWG today. Mark/log Ch 17-20 and do Major Works Data Sheet and ALL other parts.

Catch up on anything you are behind on but DO NOT COPY. The only things on your Major Works data sheet that should be similar are historical information, biographical information, elements of author's style, character names, roles and significance, theme (not character adjectives). Everything else you do on your own.

Students who haven't presented a RA TA TA will do so next class. 

Study for the upcoming test, two classes from now. Multiple choice, matching, figurative devices and essays.

All Major Works Data sheets due next class-80%-whole packet. All markings which haven't been marked yet also will be checked the next class.


Lesson plan 5/14 A-5/15 B

Mark and show me you interacted with this lesson plan. Turn it in for a quiz grade.

Read Ch 17-Track 2. Stop, fill out Major Works Data sheet and mark. 5 min.
 Read Ch 18-Track 3. Stop, fill out Major Works Data sheet and mark 5 min.
If time, start Ch 19 Ch19, CD 7, Track 1.

The test is coming. It will be multiple choice, matching and essays. You need to have all of your markings and the Major Works Data Sheet done by the next class, when we finish the book.

If you haven’t yet presented a Ra Ta Ta, you will automatically present for Ch 17-20. Be prepared for that.

Exit 28-17-20  (15 points)
1.       Why did Tea Cake whip Janie? (1pt)
2.       “We’ll have her gone from here befo’ two weeks is up. Ah’m goin’ right off tuh all de men and drop rocks aginst her,” is an example of what figurative device? (1pt)
3.       Explain what Tea Cake and his friends do to seek their revenge against Mrs. Turner? (2pts)
4.       What reason does Tea Cake give Lias for why he and Janie are not leaving before the hurricane? (1pt)
5.       What tragedy happens to Tea Cake during the hurricane when he saves Janie. Explain why this is a tragedy. (2 pts)
6.       Explain what Tea Cake means when he says on pg 172 “I feel like a motherless chile round heah.”? (2 pts)
7.       Explain what Janie means on pg 178, when she says to herself, “..that big old dawg with the hatred in his eyes had killed her after all.”(2pts)
8.       Why did Janie go to jail and trial? Explain. (2pts)
9.       Why do all of Janie’s friends turn against her during the trial? (2pt)


Lesson Plan for 5/10A-5/11B

Finish reading Ch 16. To operate audio: Tim 1st block, Chase 2nd block, Destiny 5th block:

1st block: Audio start at track 1 6:55 pg 142 “It don’t worry”
2nd block: Audio start at track 1 11:01 pg 144 “Muh wife”
5th block: Audio start at Ch 16 track 1

After audio, Finish Major Works Data sheet C, Q, S for 13-16. Finish Exit 27, staple and turn in.

1st block: at 8:30 the following people present 116-121 Darrion,
122-127 Alex or if absent Jacob, 128-133 Prentis, 134-139 Nick, 140-146 Roshawn,
2nd block: at 10:00 volunteer for pg 116-121, Yolanda 122-127, Bam 128-133, Latavia 134-139, Chrissy 140-146
5th block: at 10:00 116-121 volunteer, 122-127 Alan, 128-133 Ashley, 134-139 Donnell, 140-146 Kayla

1st block at 8:50: Take A14-quiz Ch 13-16, 2nd block at 10:25 Take quiz, 5th block at 10:25 Take quiz. Remember only students with their own book can use it.

If anyone is absent-a volunteer should step in and the sub will write your name down as presenting. No document camera today to present with so instead, just tell students what page you are on and be specific about where your quotes are placed.

Lesson Plan for 5/10A-5/11B


5/8 A-5/9 B

Read TEWWG Ch 13-16 audio. After each chapter, class stops and answers Exit 27 and fills out Major Works Data Sheet (handout distributed-see below).
Exit 27-Chapter 13 – 16 (11 pts)
1.       At the beginning of chapter 13, how does the author reveal that Janie doesn’t completely trust Tea Cake? (1 pt)
2.       When Janie can’t find her money or Tea Cake, why does she compare herself to Annie Tyler?
(2 pts)
3.       Name something from Tea Cake’s story about how he spent the money that seems exaggerated or untrue, and explain how you know it isn’t completely true.(2 pts)
4.       Why does the author use low dialect when Tea Cake speaks, more so than other characters? (1pt)
5.       Name one way Janie changes when living in the everglades. (1 pt)
6.       The narrator says Janie learned what it felt like to be jealous. Who was she jealous of, and why? (2 pts)
7.       What is ironic (not what you would expect) about Mrs. Turner? (2pts)

Students drawn for Ra Ta Ta presentations for 13-16 for next class. 

1st and 5th block Reviewed Major Works Data Sheet style, characters, settings with Batten



Ra Ta Ta 10-12 Presented. Class reviews all 3 chapters

Finish Major Works Data Sheet Quotes, Characters and Summary for 10-12 and markings. Turn in Exit 26.

Batten to check markings for Ra Ta Ta students and they should turn in their Major Works handout completed through 12.

A13-Ch10-12 Quiz taken last class or this one.

Ch 13-16 coming next class.

Exit 26: Ch 10-12-7 pts 1)Explain how Janie met Tea Cake? (2 pts) 2)Name two things Tea Cake teaches Janie that typically women don't do.(2 pts) 3)Why does Hezekiah think Tea Cake isn't good enough for Janie? (1 pt) 4)Name two reasons the town citizens get angry at Janie. (2 pts)


5/2 A-5/3 B

Read 10-12 TEWWG in class/ Ra Ta Ta- 4 people drawn. Those 4 people also present their pages to the class from Ch 10-12.

Time given to complete Major Works Data Sheet for 10-12, Characters, Summary, Quotes.

Review as a class Major Works Author's style, setting, opening scene, characters.

A13-Ch10-12 Quiz.

Ch 13-16 coming the next class. MWD and markings for 10-12 checked the next class.

Turn in Exit 25


4/30A-5/1 B

Exit 26:TEWWG Ch 10-12 1)Explain how Janie met Teacake (2pts). 2)Name two things Teacake teaches Janie that typically women don't do. (2 pts) 3)Why does Hezekiah thing Teacake isn't good enough for Janie? (1pt) 4)Name two reasons the town citizens get angry at Janie. (2pts)

Turn in Exit 25, Finish 6-9 Markings/log, Finish Major Works Quotes, Characters and Summaries. Those chosen for Ra Ta Ta for 6-9 finish presentations and submit all markings through 9 and turn in their MWD though 9.

A12-Quiz on Ch 6-9 given to 5th block.

Major Works reviewed. 1st block to review next class. Reviewed: author's style, setting, opening, characters.

4/24 A-4/25

Exit 25-handout given-to go with Chapters 6-9 TEWWG
Turn in Exit 24, Ch 4-5 Markings and Major Works through 4-5 if name was called for Ra Ta Ta.

4 students called for Ch 6-9 Ra Ta Ta. Read 6-9 in class, students present and A12-Ch6-9 Quiz taken by each class but 5th block. 6-9 markings, Major Works data sheet and exit slip all due 4/30A-5/1 B

Work on Major Works for Ch 6-9. Class reviews 6-9 via Ra Ta Ta. Read 10-12 by 5/2A-5/3 B