

Lesson plan 5/14 A-5/15 B

Mark and show me you interacted with this lesson plan. Turn it in for a quiz grade.

Read Ch 17-Track 2. Stop, fill out Major Works Data sheet and mark. 5 min.
 Read Ch 18-Track 3. Stop, fill out Major Works Data sheet and mark 5 min.
If time, start Ch 19 Ch19, CD 7, Track 1.

The test is coming. It will be multiple choice, matching and essays. You need to have all of your markings and the Major Works Data Sheet done by the next class, when we finish the book.

If you haven’t yet presented a Ra Ta Ta, you will automatically present for Ch 17-20. Be prepared for that.

Exit 28-17-20  (15 points)
1.       Why did Tea Cake whip Janie? (1pt)
2.       “We’ll have her gone from here befo’ two weeks is up. Ah’m goin’ right off tuh all de men and drop rocks aginst her,” is an example of what figurative device? (1pt)
3.       Explain what Tea Cake and his friends do to seek their revenge against Mrs. Turner? (2pts)
4.       What reason does Tea Cake give Lias for why he and Janie are not leaving before the hurricane? (1pt)
5.       What tragedy happens to Tea Cake during the hurricane when he saves Janie. Explain why this is a tragedy. (2 pts)
6.       Explain what Tea Cake means when he says on pg 172 “I feel like a motherless chile round heah.”? (2 pts)
7.       Explain what Janie means on pg 178, when she says to herself, “..that big old dawg with the hatred in his eyes had killed her after all.”(2pts)
8.       Why did Janie go to jail and trial? Explain. (2pts)
9.       Why do all of Janie’s friends turn against her during the trial? (2pt)