
4/30A-5/1 B

Exit 26:TEWWG Ch 10-12 1)Explain how Janie met Teacake (2pts). 2)Name two things Teacake teaches Janie that typically women don't do. (2 pts) 3)Why does Hezekiah thing Teacake isn't good enough for Janie? (1pt) 4)Name two reasons the town citizens get angry at Janie. (2pts)

Turn in Exit 25, Finish 6-9 Markings/log, Finish Major Works Quotes, Characters and Summaries. Those chosen for Ra Ta Ta for 6-9 finish presentations and submit all markings through 9 and turn in their MWD though 9.

A12-Quiz on Ch 6-9 given to 5th block.

Major Works reviewed. 1st block to review next class. Reviewed: author's style, setting, opening, characters.