
4/9 B-4/10 A

5th: Read and reviewed Ch 2-3 in class. Complete Major Works by next class for 2-3 for quotes, characters, and summary. 3 people drawn to check markings-to present next class for review. Exit 22 due next class.

1st: Exit 20 and 21 to be part of the new grading term grade. Both exit slips projected for all students and reviewed with class one more time.

4 students drawn to do Ch2-3 review and markings checked. Major Works due next class for those students-Anyone drawn next class.

All Classes Ra Ta Ta for Their Eyes Were Watching God explained in detail again to students and modeled. Student drawn will be given a range of pages to present from. They must choose 4 to 6 markings to share with the class. They will read excerpts and explain their markings. During this review, other students will also be called on to answer questions to make sure they are participating. Those 4 students will also have to turn in their markings that day to be graded. When called on, all ungraded markings will be checked. Major work data sheets also will be checked for the 4 drawn students. This means everyone needs to follow the timeline, as you don't know for sure when I will draw your name to check your markings, the log and to have you present.

Ch2-3 Major Works quote, characters and summary due next class.

Data Chats/Grade Recovery offered for 3rd grading term.