
3/28 B-4/4 A English III

Copy Exit 22:TEWWG Ch 2-3-8 pts
1. Name one symbol from Ch 2 and what that symbol represents (2). 2. What tragic news does Janie learn about her real parents?(2pts). 3.Why does Nanny tell Janie she is a now a woman? 1pt 4.What is Janie's main concern about her marriage to Killicks? (1pt) 5)Name a symbol in Ch 3 and what that symbol represents (2pts).

Finish Ch 1 quote, character, summary for A10 Major Works. Think, pair, share quote.

Review "The Raven"-Group work correct your packet with colored pencil. Turn in if corrected.

Make sure
Ch 1 TEWWG marked/logged, Exit 20, 21, The Raven all turned in for this term. Batten reviews Ch 1 with class.

Read Ch 2-3 TEWWG and mark/log
. Discuss.

A9-Ch2-3 Quiz TEWWG.