
11/18 B-11/19 A

No J18, Instead takeout W6: Taxonomy of essay writing and finish

Meet with group to share taxonomy terms and think of ones for letters you couldn't find.

Discuss as a class, everyone is to add the terms they missed from class discussion.

W6-Taxonomy/Writing Tips continued.
Class discusses what specifically goes into a persuasive essay. Everyone adds the format of a persuasive essay to their W6 notes.

1. Brainstorm
2. Intro. Paragraph-hook, thesis
3. Body-facts, details,statistics, reasons,evidence, opinion, examples, word choice, sophisticated vocab, transitions, focused, organized
4. Conclusion-relate back to hook, restate thesis in different words, call for action, urge the reader, end with a positive

W2-District Writing 1 returned. Students are instructed to review their essay and evaluate whether the essay parts are there. If they are missing things like an introduction, a thesis or transitions, they should write on their paper to add these items. Also, everyone needs to make sure they elaborate.

Transition back to W6 and now add these writing tips to your notes:
1. Spell things out. Ex: N-e-ways, b/c, w/, &, I am in NCEPP.
2. Don't refer to people as things. Ex: The things that interest me are girls, sports and TV.
3. Do not start sentences with Well, like, But, Because, And
EX: Because some teachers thing.. And you shouldn't either.
4. Do not use unnecessary words such as like, well or just. Eliminate wordiness.
EX: Like if my friends would just stop making fun of me, I'd probably like hang out with them more than I do right now. This could be rewritten after the wordiness was taken out into: If my friends would stop making fun of me, I'd spend more time with them.
5)Don't talk to the reader, unless directed to do so.
EX: In the next few paragraphs I will write.. I hope you enjoyed my essay.
6)Indent paragraphs

Transition back to essay, and look to see if you've made any of the above 6 mistakes in your essay. If you have, use the proofreading marks to show how you would correct them, underline them or highlight them.

Now, write W2-Revised District Writing by rewriting your original essay and fixing any of the mistakes or missing parts, also edit your paper or have someone peer edit, elaborate, make sure you mark the mistakes you fix on your rough draft and attach your new essay to your rough draft. Finish for homework

R25-27-Visualizing-Due today.

Portfolio check coming soon

Vocab 2 Test-11/22-Review vocab foldable