
11/19 A-11/24 B

Creative Writing


Essential Question/Exit Slip 6-What was my initial score in FCAT explorer? What skill seminar lessons have I completed so far? What strands/skills do I need to work on according to Explorer?

Journal, Think, Pair Share or Study for Vocab Test

Mini-lesson: Teacher conferences explained. Meeting about writing improvements and FCAT explorer progress.
-Gallery walk; foldable explained; Vocab Test Monday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving break

Work Period: W8-My Improvements: Due
Corrections to be made for wrong answers

W10-Vocab 1-Write definitions, draw a picture and write a sentence- foldable

11/23-11/24 -W11 Vocab Test 1
(absurd, maddening, foliage, laborious, inferior)
-Write a story using all five words properly. Be sure to
add context clues, so that I know, that you know the meaning of each word. The story must make coherent sense.

W9- Persuasive Essay rewrite
Peer Edit- Have at least one person review, edit and sign their name. Then do a rewrite. Staple old version to new version
W-9-Persuasive Essay Prompt: Should television be censored for youth? Write to convince your reader whether youth should have censored TV.

Assessment: Exit slip, Persuasive Essay rewrite, edited first draft/W8 -DUE

Homework: Continue Explorer Skill Seminar and Timeline
Study for Vocab Test M 11/23 A, T 11/24 B


11/17A-11/18 B

J#24 "Why does the Air Force need expensive new bombers? Have the people we've been bombing over the years been complaining?" -George Wallace

Think, Pair, Share and Discuss

Exit Slip 5: What is a counter-argument? What was/will be your counter-argument for today's essay topic on censorship?

Mini-Lesson: Review parts of the persuasive essay and W7 Notes
1) w8-My Improvements: Choose an assignment based on your area of need. Make sure you read the lesson before the exercises, because ANY wrong items will be corrected by you.
2) Write W9-persuasive essay: due today in basket
Prompt: Should television be censored for youth? Write to convince your reader whether youth should have censored TV

Assessment: Exit Slip/Persuasive Essay/W8


Reminder: Faculty contacts due 11/20; Ads or call slips due 11/24 (reminder of each and importance and impact on grade)

Reference section of manual reviewed in detail

Class Duties performed

Marketing Project:
-Detailed Plan with group returned with my notes (5)
-Implementation- You performing your plan and putting it into action in stages 1,2,3 (20 points)


Both days: Groups split up articles from copy section and list all of the questions the reporter had to ask to write the story. They are to label each set of questions with a title.

Creative Writing/Yearbook 11/13 A-11/16 B


J#23 "Treat your friends as you do your pictures, and place them in the best light." Jennie Jerome Churchill

Think, pair, share and discuss

Portfolio check (10 points)

Exit Slip 4- What is the main difference between persuasive and expository writing? What items must be in persuasive writing that you don't have to have in expository? (Due before end of class)

Mini-Lesson Discussion of the differences between expository verses persuasive writing. Counter arguement discussed and examples given.

Work Period
Vocabulary Word Wall- Choose a word from the word wall, write the name at the top of your paper. Define the word with your group in student friendly language and put the part of speech. Draw a picture which illustrates the meaning of the word, then write a sentence, using context clues, that uses the word.

Read Expository/Persuasive Essays in class (6.0 congress essay, If You Assign My Book Don't Censor It). Parts of the persuasive essay discussed in detail and counter-arguement discussed again

W7-Persuasive/Expository- take notes from board-with Writer's Choice book
If time, start W8- My Improvements
Choose one of the assignments below, based on your area of need.
-Sentence Combining: p 360-366
-Fragments 557-558 Do Excer 23, 24
-Run-ons: 559-561 Do Excer 25,26
-Tense: 589-591 Do Excer 3,4,5
-Usage: 691-695 Do Excer 1,2
-S/v Disagree: pg 613-615, Do Excer 1,2,3
-Transitions: pg 74, Do: Choose 3 groups of transitions and write 3 paragraphs, using one group of transitions per paragraph-see Ms. Batten for further instructions
-Spelling: pg 828-834 Do Excer 1,2
OR Choose your own assignment with Ms. Batten's approval

Assessment: Exit slip due

YB/6th- J#26
Staff Organization section reviewed in class. Ladder assignment given to groups and checked off as a grade.

Reminder: Faculty contacts due 11/20; Ads or 10 call slips due 11/24

Journals checked the last class; turn in if not graded

Marketing Plans returned to groups to start implementing plans.

7th- Interviews past due-revise if needed. Copy section reviewed of manual


11/10A-11/12 B

Creative Writing
J#22 "The illiterate of the 21st century, will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who are not able to learn, unlearn and relearn." Alvin Toffler

Think, pair share, discuss with class

Word wall illustration-group assignment. Choose a word from the word wall and illustrate it as shown on the board.

Exit slip 4- Essential Questions: How is expository different than persuasive writing? What must you have in persuasive that you do not have to have in expository?

W7-Expository/Persuasive notes.


11/5 B-11/9 B

Yearbook/6th 11/5
-New seats
-Faculty contacts due; if not turned in, 2nd conference with teacher about this assignment mandatory
-Fix captions, turn in, staple caption notes and old captions
-Review manual sections, starting with captions
-Start listening more, talking less
-Follow the Rules
-Journal check 2 (10 points)

Creative Writing

J#21 "Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Theresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein." -H. Jackson Brown

Think Pair share, record examples from group members, share with class

Work Period:

-Finish Group work, if not finished (20 questions)
-Staple new version to old version and to your individual questions
-FCAT explorer- Pretest or Timeline (40 questions-9th graders)
-Do as many skill seminar lessons as possible. Start with your weak strands (see R6 notes)
-Portfolio check-next class
-Go back to classroom, next class. Make sure you get your portfolio there for the check.


11/4 A-11/5 B

Creative Writing

J#20 "I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work" -Thomas Edison

Exit slip 3/essential questions: What are the four FCAT strands in FCAT reading? What strands am I weak in, and what do those strands mean or reqire me to do?

Mini-Lesson: Reteach-Group Assignment, FCAT explorer demonstration

Work Period:
-Group work returned, fix, finish, turn back in
-10th, 11th grade-finish fcat explorer pre-test if not done (must be finished by next class)
-All- R6-FCAT strands/skills
FCAT explorer-work on skills seminar for all of your weak strands

R6-FCAT strands/skills notes
Words/phrases: meaning from context, inference
Comparison Contrast, Cause and Effect- All same strand
Main Idea: relevant details, methods of development, author's purpose, author's point of view, methods of appeal/persuasion, elements of plot, conflict and resolution, literary elements
Reference and Research: obtaining information, valid/reliable information, synthesizing information

Assessment: Exit slip 3, FCAT explorer pre-test or benchmark (40 items), Revised group questions

11/3 Yearbook

6th block

Faculty contacts due Nov. 5
Ad deadline 1- Nov 24 ($250 or 10 contacts made call slip)

Caption notes finished
Do journal after lunch
Copy new yearbook information
Type captions for pg 9 wkbk pic: one identification, one basic, and one expanded-Due today
Lead in checked by teacher-beginning of class


11/2A-11/3 B

Creative Writing
"If you want to make enemies, try to change something." -Woodrow Wilson

Think, pair, share, record examples of your group members, discuss as a class

Turn in exit slip from conferences-if you haven't already
Turn in exit slip about writing improvements-if you haven't already

HW check: Ms. Batten checks individual questions, 5 from your strongest strand, 5 from your weakest strand about the article R5 "Does Modern Society Make Us Fat"

Group work finished: Proofread questions from everyone in your group and choose the 5 best questions from each strand. For example, for reference and research you may choose one question from one group member, two from another group member, and two from your own paper. Once you've decided on the five best questions for each strand, type the questions and answers with your group. This means your group should have 20 typed questions and answers (five from each of the four strands. You can split the typed assignment up into separate documents, so you can all work on a part of it, but make sure you staple it all together and write all of your names. Before turning in the group work, you all must proofread everyone's work which you are turning in. For example, if one person in your group mispelled something or made a grammatical error, the rest of the group should catch it and fix it before printing and submitting the final document. Points will be deducted for poorly phrased, grammatically incorrect, or mispelled questions or answers.

Assessment: TURN IN Group work (20 questions organized by strand)stapled to individual questons from each group member.

Homework: Finish FCAT explorer pre-test if you haven't finished it yet