

2/20-2/23 A/B

A- Part 2 BIB
Quiz CH 4
Ch 4 checked for homework
Finished FA 9 review and charts

Ch 5-6 HW
continue to mark as Ch 4 directions stated

B- sub present- lesson plan not completed
Ch 5-6 HW on board

Mass Media
J#8- hard news, soft news, infotainment, tabloid journalism- take notes (if absent copy classmates notes)

Class discusses the difference between news sources. Group work given. Identify what type of news each article is and be able to explain why you feel this way.

Radio shows finished. CDs past due. SB1 Quiz taken and returned

J#8 see above
nothing, sub didn't do lesson plan

Work on deadlines and selling myspace ads for ad credit

2/24 A - 2/25 B

English II

B- Pg 148 proverbs discussed in detail, Ch 1 reviewed in detail as a class; Ch 1-4 Quizzes- next class

A- only- Ch 2-4 split up among groups for discussion. Pick 5 things from each set of pages to share with clsas.

Make a culture wheel with your group using the glossary words on pg 151 and the diagram on 152. Due in basket with all of your names.

Family Tree-pg 158- On one piece of paper with all of your names, chart Okonkwo's family tree. Due in basket. If not finished, finish for homework

Ch 7-TFA- HW- continue marking the same as Ch 4, 5, 6

Mass Media

Both- Complete 8 articles, identifying types of news

A#5-Radio Analysis-Due on or before 3/2 A, 3/3 B
Copy- SB2 Quiz 3/2 A- 3/3 B
1. Never use the year within the current year, nor for the preceding or coming year unless there would be confusion.Use: December 12, last May 5, Next June NOT: This year, the football team...
2. Always use numerals for ages, dimensions, money, percentages, days of the month, degrees, hours of the day, scores, room numbers, page or chapter numbers and street numbers. Except for those in the preceding rule, spell ou numbers one through nine, and use numbers for 10 and greater.EX: $5 Not: Five dollarsEX: She had two donuts NOT: She had 2 donuts
3. For money under $1, use numerals and the word cents. For $1 or over, use the dollar sign. Omit zeros when possibleEX: 25 cents, $10, $1.50, 35 cents Not: .35 Not: ten dollars
4. Do not begin a sentence with a numeral. Spell it out or rewrite it.Not: $5 is how much it costs.DO: It costs $5.

Group Work-Type of News- answers given. For any your group got wrong, fix and then write an explanation about why the correct answer is the correct answer.

A- reviewed answers for group work, was given A#6- newspaper assignment
B-needs to review answers, needs A#6-newspaper assignment


Deadline 3/4
Senior spreads- finished
Faculty contact due
Myspace Ads- money and artwork due ASAP
Ad credit options discussed
Feb event- mentioned

Journals to be checked at 80


2/18 A- 2/19 B


FCAT #4 Does Modern Society Make Us Fat

Ms. Batten checks homework- ch 2-3 TFA

1B- Last chance to turn in FA 7, 8, 9
review proverbs and Ch 1
FCAT 4, FA 7, 8, 9 reviewed as a class.
Ch 1-4 Quizzes coming the next class

Ch 4 HW- Mark the following in TFA
S-Okonkwo's perceived strengths ( what he thinks makes him strong)
W- Okonkwo's perceived weaknesses (what he thinks makes him weak)
P- all proverbs
Circle all names- ex circle Osugo
Put a special circle around Okonkwo's family- ex special circle around Nwoye
f- fears
*culture or compound


J#7- What radio show will your group present today? What character will you play? How did your group prepare for this show? How do you feel about performing?

Time is given in class to prepare and practice with microphone. Turn in rubric when performing radio show. CDR or CDRW due.

SB1- Quiz moved to next class


J# 76-77
Faculty contact due next Monday 1/23
Computer settings cannot be altered
finish senior spreads
UC spreads- Mofi and Avery will be doing them for everyone since so many of you are behind
Deadlines 4, 5 coming soon
Myspace Ads= ad credit
After school today, or some time this week
Absences- some of you are really pushing it
Helpers- must document who they help and make that their focus

2/13 A -2/17 B

English II Honors

A- Last chance to turn in Formatives 7, 8, 9- past due homework, teacher checks bookmarks
A/B-Teacher comes around to check Ch 1 homework- marking the text as directed
turn in Okonkwo drawings

Proverbs- finish all 9 proverbs with group. Ms. Batten to read correct proverbs and all students will record them on wkbk page 148. Write explanations on page 148 of any proverbs your group didn't get correct. Have Ms. Batten check, then turn in group paper to basket.

Class discusses meaning of all proverbs.

Ch 2-3 Homework
F- all fears, causes or effects of fears
*- any references to Okonkwo's culture or compound
C- any conflicts of any kind
I- Imagery (also mark any figurative devices you see, such as metaphors, similes, etc)

1A- discussed chapter 1 in detail
1B- made bookmarks for TFA

No Journal, instead prepare and practice for your radio show. It is due the next class. SB1 quiz moved to next class as well.

J#75- senior pages should be done, if not, find your seniors and get their information needed


2/11 A-2/12 B


1A only-HW Formatives 7.8.9 due

TFA- take out and look at cover, read the back. Make predictions about what the book will be about as a group.

Proverbs discussed and examples given.

TFA bookmarks made- pronunciations and glossary terms.

HW- CH1- Read and mark any reference to Okonkwo's behavior, actions, or physical appearance with an O and his fears, cause of fears, or effects of fears with F. Then draw a picture of what you think Okonkwo looks like. Put his name at the top of the drawing and include a quote from the chapter that explains your illustration.

pg 100 BIB checked

1A-Part 2 started- pg 105

J#6- What do you listen to on the radio? When do you listen to it? What stations do you prefer and why? Which stations would you not choose to listen to and why?

A4-Radio Show rubric distributed and explained.

Download an old time radio script which you will perform with your group

Today- research, find script
Friday/Tuesday- Practice script
Wednesday/Thursday-record script- presentations due. Blank CDR or CDRW due by this date.

You need a
Playwright- person who will edit the script for timeliness, and make sure script has sound effects and dialogue. They also must make copies for everyone in their group.

Foley Artist- in charge of the sound effects, props for sound effects and adding effects to script with playwright.

Advertising Executive- has to find a commercial and place it in radio show at an appropriate time. Must sound like a realistic commercial.

1st part of class- visit to TV Production
last half of class- computer lab

2/9 A- 2/10 B


2/9 A- Review 1- 6 Persuasive essay. Review elaboration. Turn in late essays for grade. Ask if any questions about grades given for essays. Test is tomorrow. Formative 7,8,9 given as homework.

2/10- B- Testing

Mass Media

J#5- How do you feel about today's presentations? Are you prepared?

Before Presentation, take out one rubric and put all of your names on it. Also, turn in all 15 questions.

Turn in A1 to the basket

A3- Evaluating Evolution of Media Presentations
Put name of group's presentation topic
List their first names
What was something you liked?
What was something that should be improved?
Rate them 1-5

Due in class.

Copy SB1, Quiz is on Friday, 13 A, Tuesday, 17 B

1. Never use "many" "numerous" "a lot" "various" "some" "few" when reporting.
Instead of: Many students attended the homecoming dance.
Use: Over 400 students attended the homecoming dance.
2. For class year, use apostrophe correctly.
Use: '09 NOT: ' 09 or 09'
3. Always use numerals for address numbers.
Use 9 Morning Star Lane
4. Spell out and capitalize First through Ninth when used as street names. Use numerals with two letters for 10Th and above.
Use: 137 Fifth Street 459 12Th Street
5. Dates are written one way only.
Use: July 28 Not: July 28Th, 28Th of July, 28Th day of July

Seniors First- communicate about what you need to make sure seniors are done soon

Faculty Contact due. Due in two weeks after today.
Sam Epps-Weightlifting must be scheduled.
Shanika- schedule club pics, superlatives, find out what happened to weightlifting and boys jv soccer pictures.

Myspace Ads starting this week.

2/5 A- 2/6 B


A- Formative Assessment 7,8,9 given for homework. Write directly on the articles, because there are no more bubble sheets. Make sure you mark the text. Fill out you chart on how confident you are in your answers. Due the next class.

Go through the Persuasive essays 1-6 as a group. For the 1, write why the person scored a 1. For the 2 and higher, write only what the person did for the higher score. Turn in.

Persuasive essay due. Groups grade persuasive essays turned in anonymously. Teacher gives scores for expository and persuasive essays. All essays returned. Ask questions about any problems or low scores.

Transition worksheet redistributed for anyone who did not have one.

Conclusion- Persuasive conclusion discussed in detail. Worksheet completed in group and discussed as a class. Turn into basket.

TFA coming up next week.


No Journal- Instead prepare for presentations which are due the next class. Make sure you go over the rubrics in detail.

Finish research-computer lab.


Work on Deadline 3- seniors first


2/3 A-2/4 B

FCAT #3 Electric Tomatos-done in class, checked, and results recorded on chart

Things Fall Apart starting soon- GET THE BOOK. Its extra credit.

REF#4- Due for 1B
REF#5-Due for 1A and 1B

REF#4 Expository
If you could spend the day with anyone from any time period, who would it be and why?

REF#5 Persuasive

Leaders in your communtiy are proposing that high school student should volunteer three hours each week in the community. Write to communicate whether you believe high school students should work three hours each week doing community service.

45 minutes maximum should be spent on each essay-Time yourself

Finish expository packet- reviewing 1-6

Handouts-conclusion, transitions worksheet

Start grading sample papers from class. Each person in the group must put a score. Discuss any scores that are not agreed upon (ex. 1 person says a 6 and another says a 3). Add commentary to the paper about why the student received that score. Turn into teacher.

Today you will research your topic. What specifically are you responsible for researching for your group? You may speak to your group members.

A1-Searching the Web- Take notes on the 10 tips for searching the web. You must take notes on each, in order to get credit.

Research-computer lab- research is completed today on topic.

No more game playing or slacking off- we are behind. Help, if you feel you have nothing to do.

Stop whining and complaining. Whine for 5 seconds, then just do it.

Abscences are getting ridiculous and you aren't calling to tell me about why you're out. Stop.

Progress reports coming.

Myspace Ads- starting this month

New priority list identified and explained. Top priorities are pages 14-15 HC Dance and pg 144-145 Golf

Proofs for Deadline 2- must be in by 2/5 fixed

Seniors- Top Priority- Get them the information they need ASAP. Their deadline is the 6th.

1/30 A-2/2 B


FCAT 2- Fossil Fuels
graded in class, recorded on charts

Review FCAT 1-6 Expository essays- start

Review support for essays: Bare 1,2 Extended 3 Layered 4 Elaborate 5,6

REF#4 Expository Essay-due today for 1A

Formative 6 returned and reviewed.
Things Fall Apart-Starts Friday- get the book!
What are the roles of each of your group members in your research topic. What will each person be responsible for. What will you do for creativity? When will you work on the project and how will you do the project? (You may talk with your group members for this entry)

Portfolio check today for grade

Journals checked to make sure students are doing them correctly

Turn in Parent/Info sheet for grade ASAP

Make sure you have your 15 questions that will guide your research by the next class.

Class Procedures Test taken today.

Researching the next class; come prepared.

Focus- senior section firts
Then move back to things you havent finished.
Faculty contacts due Monday of next week.