
8/29 A-9/2 B

English II Honors
Students need to come prepared next week. Teacher reminds everyone.

Teacher and class reviewed Group Procedure/Rules Handout.

Teacher and class reviewed Class Procedures/Rules/Syllabus handout
Test Next Week on Procedures/Rules

Back mapping explained in class. Flip to middle of unit Embedded Assessment 19-20 Cultural Map, briefly look at the assignment criteria with group. Models of cultural maps showed to class. Map is extra credit assignment which can be added to the "I am From" poem Embedded Assessment, by choice.

Teacher passes out EA#1-"I am From" Rubric, each student makes a back map of what needs to be learned in order to complete the "I am From" embedded assessment. Teacher demonstrates how to start the map, and groups work together to finish. Each group member has their own copy, which they turn into the basket OR take home for homework.

Parent info sheet needed for mandatory grade.

Mass Media
Students were told last class to make sure they were here this day, as we would be starting a research project.

Student need to come to class prepared next week. Reminder given.

Sit in group you are comfortable working on a research project (part of it completed outside of class with group). Rubric distributed, students update rubric with their topic (chosen randomly in class). Teacher explains grading criteria of presentation giving the option to complete a poster or PowerPoint.

No due dates given yet. Groups get four index cards each to document a minimum of four sources. Class discusses why it is important to have at least four sources: not all sources are reliable, not all sources have all the information you will need

Groups go to library to begin research.
Next class day: presentation date, research tips, more research time, and further instruction of project.

Parent info sheet due for mandatory grade.

Review Texas workshop information: Dallas. All students who definitely think they will go are documented. Field trip forms distributed next week, along with pricing of flight info.

Yearbook Critique: finished in class and due today

Yearbook Presentations-of Class Procedures finished

North pole presentation to present today, as well

Teacher reviews Procedures, Rules, Duties with class. Supplies for this class needed next week. Manuals distributed next week.

Parent Info Sheet due for mandatory grade.


8/26 A - 8/27 B

English II Honors

wkbk pg 10-answer survey questions

Write a "Dear Reader" letter during a 45 minute timed session. Class reviews what goes into a 6 point essay.

pg 11
Class underlined the following prompt together, to make sure all parts would be answered.

REF#1 Dear Reader
Prompt: Write a "Dear Reader" letter in which you explain where you are right now in your journey as an effective reader, writer, researcher, and student of culture. Include examples of what you typically do in some of the above situations, as well as what you plan to do to improve in any areas you identified as needing improvements.

If brainstorming, use page 11 to plan. Write essay on separate piece of paper and label as indicated above. If doing at home, time yourself. You only have 45 minutes.

Come prepared for class by next week!

Mass Media
If making up work, do the group work by yourself. In groups, take out a piece of paper u and put all group members' names. View "Shift Happens" video from Teachertube.com. After watching the video, write a paragraph answering the following question: Why was this video shown to you in this class?

2B-Group Procedures reviewed.

Class reviews definition of mass media as formed by combination of class definitions.

Mass Media: a communication medium capable of reaching a mass of people simultaneously.

Then, the teacher gives examples of obvious forms of mass media (television) and less obvious forms (bumper stickers). Each group has to make a chart, and include at least 10 different forms of mediums, at least 2 have to be less obvious forms.

Once finished, groups write their collobarated mediums on the board.

Groups then write on their paper four purposes of mass media. Then, the class reviews the actual main purposes: 1)educate 2)persuade 3)entertain 4)express.

Groups then go through the list as a group and identify each medium written on board with which purpose(s) they serve.

*Class Procedures test next week*

Come prepared with materials next week.

Groups form groups of three, according to eye color. Then, the class procedures are split up by groups. Each group has to creatively present their portion of the procedures. Also, class rules handout and class duty handout are distributed.

Homework: Take home class duty handout and pick 3 things you are interested in doing.


8/18 A -8/26 B (no school 8/20,8/21,8/22-Faye)

English II Honors
8/18-8/19 (1st day of school)
Classroom Procedures handout
Group Rules/Procedures Handout
Extra Credit handout
Welcome Handout
  1. Pick up two index cards and handouts when you walk into room.
  2. Follow the directions on the Welcome handout filling out both index cards.
  3. When finished with cards, place them on the left hand corner of your desk
  4. Begin two paragraph assignment "Myself". Write two paragraphs about yourself. Include hobbies, plans after high school, etc.
  5. Workbooks picked up from back corner of room. Label the workbook on all three sides (your full name, my name, the room #)
  6. Groups define culture. Class shares definitions and comes up with a collective definition which is posted for all to see. Write the class definition on page eight of your workbook.
  7. Groups sort cultural terms into seven categories, record the categories on a piece of paper, make sure all group member names are on it, and turn it into the basket.
  8. Bring back Class Procedures Handout signed. Page 1 of Class Procedures reviewed in class.


  1. Take out classroom procedures handout. Teacher explains all procedures and rules. Parent Info. Sheet is a mandatory grade, so turn it in ASAP.
  2. Group members explain to new students what took place on 1st day.
  3. Study hall implemented today; therefore less class time.

Classroom Procedures and Rules Test coming soon.

Mass Media I

8/18-8/19 (1st day of school)
Classroom Procedures handout
Group Rules/Procedures Handout
Extra Credit handout
Welcome Handout
  • Pick up two index cards and handouts when you walk into room.
  • Follow the directions on the Welcome handout filling out both index cards.
  • When finished with cards, place them on the left hand corner of your desk
  • Begin two paragraph assignment "Myself". Write two paragraphs introducing yourself to me. Include hobbies, plans after high school, etc.
  • Groups define mass media and make a list of what type of assignments they think we will be completing in class.
  • Class shares definitions and groups then write a new definition based on all of the definitions posted
  • Bring back Class Procedures Handout signed. Page 1 of Class Procedures reviewed in class.
  • Depending on time, shield activity and tower building activity completed in class.


What I Expect- Write 2 paragraphs about what you expect from a teacher. Include positive and negative teaching practices you've experienced.

Take out classroom procedures handout. Teacher explains all procedures and rules. Parent Info. Sheet is a mandatory grade, so turn it in ASAP.

Classroom Procedures and Rules Test coming soon.

Group members explain to new students what took place on 1st day.
Study hall implemented today; therefore less class time.


8/18-8/19 (1st day of school)Extra Credit handout
Welcome Handout

  1. Pick up two index cards and handouts when you walk into room.
  2. Follow the directions on the Welcome handout filling out both index cards.
  3. When finished with cards, place them on the left hand corner of your desk
  4. Begin two paragraph assignment "Myself". Write two paragraphs introducing yourself to me. Include hobbies, plans after high school, etc.
  5. Team Building Activities/Making Posters


Team Building Activities/Making Posters/Week Agenda reviewed/materials needed reviewed

Staff members volunteer to sell yearbooks at open house.

Yearbook Critique-Using a yearbook from last year

1) Write 10 things we should keep doing 2) Write 10 things we should improve or should be doing

Using at least 2 yearbooks from the yearbook library 1)Write 10 things per book which you think we should do OR 2) Write a minimum of 20 things which we should do (using more than 2 yearbooks)

Classroom Procedures Handout taken home for parent/guardian to sign. It is a mandatory grade.

Classroom Procedures and Rules Test coming soon.