
8/29 A-9/2 B

English II Honors
Students need to come prepared next week. Teacher reminds everyone.

Teacher and class reviewed Group Procedure/Rules Handout.

Teacher and class reviewed Class Procedures/Rules/Syllabus handout
Test Next Week on Procedures/Rules

Back mapping explained in class. Flip to middle of unit Embedded Assessment 19-20 Cultural Map, briefly look at the assignment criteria with group. Models of cultural maps showed to class. Map is extra credit assignment which can be added to the "I am From" poem Embedded Assessment, by choice.

Teacher passes out EA#1-"I am From" Rubric, each student makes a back map of what needs to be learned in order to complete the "I am From" embedded assessment. Teacher demonstrates how to start the map, and groups work together to finish. Each group member has their own copy, which they turn into the basket OR take home for homework.

Parent info sheet needed for mandatory grade.

Mass Media
Students were told last class to make sure they were here this day, as we would be starting a research project.

Student need to come to class prepared next week. Reminder given.

Sit in group you are comfortable working on a research project (part of it completed outside of class with group). Rubric distributed, students update rubric with their topic (chosen randomly in class). Teacher explains grading criteria of presentation giving the option to complete a poster or PowerPoint.

No due dates given yet. Groups get four index cards each to document a minimum of four sources. Class discusses why it is important to have at least four sources: not all sources are reliable, not all sources have all the information you will need

Groups go to library to begin research.
Next class day: presentation date, research tips, more research time, and further instruction of project.

Parent info sheet due for mandatory grade.

Review Texas workshop information: Dallas. All students who definitely think they will go are documented. Field trip forms distributed next week, along with pricing of flight info.

Yearbook Critique: finished in class and due today

Yearbook Presentations-of Class Procedures finished

North pole presentation to present today, as well

Teacher reviews Procedures, Rules, Duties with class. Supplies for this class needed next week. Manuals distributed next week.

Parent Info Sheet due for mandatory grade.