
1/23 English III

Remember to turn in M&M words 33-37.

Start new set, with word 38. interject. 

Prefix: inter: among, between    root: ject: to throw         suffix: x

Model: According to most classroom rules, students should not interject during lecture unless they've raised their hand and been called on.

interject: to interrupt, can be rudely or politely

Do own sentence, using context and have a peer review.

Start class with silent reading of A Prayer for Owen Meany-20 minutes. 

Class briefly reviews how to do reading entries, before starting. 

  • Inference: assume what will happen, what currently is happening, or what already happened (not directly stated by author) 
  • Do not infer what is directly stated. Example. "Its 40 degrees"  I infer its cold (obviously its cold)
  • Only 1 sentence summary-main idea-for each entry (10 pages long). 
  • For each entry-must have 5 inference notes
  • Extra column-put clues or tell why you assumed, use as much as you can but do not force use
  • in strategy column use key words such as: I infer, I guess, I think, I predict. Perhaps.. Maybe. 
Students given 20 minutes to work on R8-R9-Inferences-Due on 1/31 for 80%
Batten walks around and conferences with each student about reading entry, helping students struggling with finding inferences.

After 20 minutes of reading, students should take out R7-Inference Cnotes, and finish their 4 questions on the left side. They need to come up with questions that could potentially be on an exit slip. The questions must be different levels, but there is no specification for how many from each level. The questions can relate to inferences and also reading entry setup, Ra Ta Ta or reading requirements. Before submitting R7 Cnotes, students should answer the EQ in 3 to 4 sentences: How does making inferences help the reader understand purpose and main idea? R7-Inference Cnotes-due today. If turned in after today, they will be late and points will be deducted.

Remember R8-R9 are due 1/31. Students should come in and immediately start reading, during the next class.

Students reminded to submit their Diagnostic alignment guide, test, and answer sheet.