
10/30 English III


1. Start with M&M 22-protagonist(n)
Prefix: proto=first  root root:agōnistḗs= one who contends for a prize, combatant, actor. (Latin): suffix=x
Model sentence: Mrs. Blakely is the protagonist for Challenge day, because without her our school wouldn’t have this event.
Infer definition:
Write a sentence and have a peer review:
Actual definition: noun
the leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary work. a supporter or leader of a political cause or program. Also please tell students to keep the words to study for their morphological magic quiz on Thursday.
Sttudy for the quiz Nov. 1 in 6th block.
2) W1-OMG/SIG Compare/contrast essay Due. Please write your name on your rubric. It should be in the following order: rubric, paper, outline, W1-Cnotes stapled together.
3)Read-A Prayer for Owen Meany book. Their R5-6 isn’t due now until Nov 5.There is an example on the board of how to do one entry. Students must turn in two of their own reading entries (not the one on the board). They are also supposed to read from page 10 and cannot turn in an entry for pages 1 through 9. They can read as much as they want in the book, but they must read and take notes on 10 pages per entry. This means pg. 10-20 for R5 and pg. 21-30 for R6.This counts toward your 80% assessment grade. You're not to work on the entries with another student or copy from them. Your notes will be only your notes and shouldn’t look like anyone else’s.

Student papers were returned to them for fixes. Due next class with corrections.
Submitted papers should include:
-A two-sided rubric (You should have circled the score you think you got on the self-rubric side). If you couldn’t give yourself a 5 or a 6 on every part, you should have fixed your paper after grading yourself. Students who didn’t fill out the rubric at all, had to do so and rewrite and resubmit their paper.
-An outline and Venn diagram wksht completely filled out.-You must use the outline/and Venn diagrams to help you write your paper. Students who didn't submit one filled out had to rewrite this paper after doing this.
-The paper typed or neatly hand written double spaced. (If it isn’t, fix if not done properly.)
-W1-How to write a comparison/contrast essay notes. (They should have taken notes on the following-in detail (see italicized text below-as we went over these things 3 times minimum: If you didn’t take detailed notes on every part of the essay, fix your notes

W1-CNOTES- what you should have taken notes on
-Introduction paragraph (hook, connector, thesis)
-Thesis for this essay must have 1) works to be compared or authors 2) at least 2 points to compare and contrast the works 3)the so what/why the works will be compared. Should be one to two sentences, at the end of their introduction.
-Connector-what is needed to make sure the hook and thesis make sense with one another and flow in the introduction. For example if I started with a quote about Alice Walker and then went into a thesis comparing Walker to Cisneros-my reader would be lost because I never introduced Cisneros.
-Support-They are using point to point organization (only one point can be mentioned per paragraph and they should compare and contrast that point/characteristic. For example if we were comparing Idol to X-Factor the points/characteristics that could develop into their own paragraphs could be rules, judges or audition process.
-In their support they must use two different types of transitions: mentioning the works themselves and the author’s names throughout-so readers aren’t confused and comparison/contrast transitions to indicate similarities and differences
-In their support they must fully elaborate each point completely and stick to that point.
- 10 writing mistakes to never make again. These 10 things cannot be in their paper. For example, one of the tips is to not start sentences with And, But, Because
-Conclusion: Reverse the introduction by starting with a reworded thesis, including a connector again and referring back to your hook somehow.
-Due date and submission deadlines (listed above) and that they should use the model essay given to them in class. 

W1-returned to students with notes on what to fix.Students given a chance to fix the problems and resubmit the next class. If they didn’t submit their paper at all-it is considered late. If they submit it the next class, they will lose 10 points for not turning it in on time. The essay is worth 100 points and is part of the 80% assessment grade.If rewriting the essay, keep the old one with your notes to submit as well. Also refer to the following resources: Battensclasses.blogspot.com (has all the information needed for this paper and notes from the 2 weeks we spent learning how to do it. It even has where you can find the stories online, how to submit the paper and a lot of the notes listed above.) You can email me with questions at battens@duvalschools.org. Both the site and my email address are listed at the top of your H1-Class Procedures Handout. Also, I will be free Tuesdays and Thursdays after school.