
10/1-English III

13) excerpt-  copy chart and definition from a classmate, but write your own sentence
-Batten discusses student appropriate behaviors and difference between teacher and student such as not talking when teacher or classmate is sharing class info., raising hand and waiting to be called on, not blurting out things that only pertain to you in the middle of class, not distracting class with inappropriate or unnecessary comments, not getting upset about rules being enforced when procedures were reviewed for 2 weeks at beginning of school

MAP pre-test 30 min

R3-Straw Into Gold due-turn in to basket (Allusions/Notes chart)- Was homework and time given in last class to complete

Review Straw Into Gold: Class discusses 1312, cultural allusion/Mexican culture, 1312-Cisneros broke a cultural taboo, 1312-brothers, parents and schooling influence on her writing, 1313 "There was a hunger I didn't have a name for"-writing begins, 1314-My mother flourished-similar to Walker's mother-gardens, 1314, I've done all kinds of things (last part of story), 1315-question 1 answer is A- metamorphosis doesn't mean answer has the word change in it

Differences/Similarities discusses
between the two stories: family influence (mother vs whole family), both wrote about becoming writers but in different styles (one written mostly about her mother's story, the other is mostly the author's story), allusions (one has a lot and they are more direct, the other not as many and they are subtle or indirect), Both wrote for the same purpose

Turn in Exit 2-SIG-9 pts

Performance Task to Compare and Contrast both stories-discussed in class. It will be 100 points/80% and I will walk you through every part.

Each student creates a large venn diagram for American Idol vs. Xfactor-Conan Obrien clip and Xfactor clip played for 5th block. 4th block continually falling behind. To continue the next class.