

Exit 24-Ch 4-5 (8 pts): 1)Name one symbol from Ch 4 and explain what that symbol represents. 2)Name 3 ways Joe Starks improved Eatonville (3 pts) 3)What does Joe do at the store opening which makes Janie feel cold and unloved?(1 pt) 4)Name two reasons why the town starts resenting Starks. (2 pts) Class reads Chapters 4 and 5 audio played on 4/16 and 4/17. Also read in class on 4/18-4/19. After reading 4 students selected that day present Ra Ta Ta for their pages, turn in their book markings and Major works data sheet up to Ch 5. Everyone else is to make sure they have everything marked up until Chapter 5 and their Major works data sheet done up until 5. Students reminded not to cheat or let other students hold their exit slips or Major Works handout. Students complete the Quote, Characters and Summaries for Chapters 5-6. A11 TEWWG Ch 4-5 Quiz Turn in Exit 23 and 24.