
1/5A-1/10B English III-2 classes

Copy Exit 15: 1)What are 3 characteristics of Gothic Literature? 2)Name at least one influence that may have made Poe a dark writer. Explain how this influence may have effected his writing.

Jigsaw Holt book (online at my.hrw.com login: tparker806 pw: braves
With group study the section I assigned and present it to the class without reading it from a book. You are allowed to look up extra information to present to the class using the internet. If absent read Holt p287, 317-319

R30-Poe Notes
During the presentations take notes on the following. If absent, while reading take notes on the following.
1)Gothic Lit/Short Story
2)Strategies for Understanding Poe
3)Dark Beginnings
4)Breaking Away
5)Exploring the Depth
6)Triumphs and Tragedy

Ms. Batten teaches how to do multiple reading entries again with the Ra Ta Ta.

R27-29-Multiple-Due 1/17 A-1/18 B (see student model if you do not know how to do this yet)

Turn in Exit 15 and R30 Notes