

Get workbooks, label with name.

Copy Exit 17:MORD (Masque of the Red Death)-17 points 1)What was Poe's purpose for writing M.O.R.D? 2)Name 3 Gothic elements present in this story.(Be specific) 3)Name two symbols and what they might represent (4 pts). 4)Explain the significance of the 7 rooms. Be sure to mention each room in your response. (7 points)

Is safety an illusion?-p50 wkbk Groups discuss and share with class.

On page 53 of workbook, record the marking the text key:

Put a box around symbols, circle character names, underline important details/plot details, *unknown/unsure vocab words, put a squiggly line under diction.

Symbolism defined and explained to the class. Symbol is something that represents something larger than itself. Symbols can be revealed in stories through repetition, unusual placement or naming, words that don't look like they belong together, patterns in diction, long, drawn out or wordy descriptions of anything or anyone

Diction defined and explained to the class. Diction: author's choice of words used for an intended meaning,effect or atmosphere. These are words used on purpose. Students told to focus on words that the author uses which not just anyone would use here. For example in the first two lines, it says the pestilence was fatal and hideous. If fatal were substituted for harmful and hideous for unattractive, the sentence would lose meaning and change the atmosphere at the beginning of the story.

Another example,not in the story is: Shack and cabin are the same thing, if looked up in a dictionary. But shack would be the better choice to use in a scary story, whereas cabin would be wiser to use if telling about a family vacation.

Pg 53-Ms. Batten models how to mark and reviews with class.
Pg 54-Ms. Batten goes back and asks students what they marked on this page, after audio.

Exit slip not due until the end of the story. Story to be finished the next class.

W6-vocab 2 foldable due. Finish and turn in by today.