
9/28 A-9/29 B English III

Review Inferences-Teacher reviews how to complete the reading entries, what inferences are and the key words to use when infering. Reminder given that R10-12 Inferences is due 10/10A-10/11 B-80%

Teacher explains in detail the mistakes made with R9 "Straw Into Gold" and how to fix/complete the assignment. She even does the first part of assignment with students/reviews. Turn in R9-Straw Into Gold

FCAT Conferences about Exit 6 finished. Class Procedures Test for class finished.

Students to read independently if they finish R9.
Class goes over the 3 purposes of writing and the author's purpose in "Straw Into Gold"


9/26 A-9/27 B English III

Copy Exit 7:
1)What is an inference? 2)What are the keywords I can use to show I'm making inferences? 3)What are the different purposes for writing? 4)What is the author's purpose for writing "Straw Into Gold"?

Turn in Exit 6-Only if you conferenced with Ms. Batten about your FCAT scores.

FCAT conferences continued. Class Procedures Tests given to students individually-continued.

Setup R9-"Straw Into Gold" Chart. On left put Family Background. On Right put Acheivements in Writing. As you read p1310-1314, record the author's family background and expectations on the left and her achievements as a writer on the right. Then do Questions 1,2,6. Answer in complete sentences using the question stem.

(5th block Only) RA TA TA-Inferences- R10-12 Due 10/10 A-10/11 B/-80%-Teacher teaches how to do reading entries for inferences. Inferences are predictions, guesses or assumptions in which the reader must use clues from the author to figure out something not directly stated. See model for how to do this set of reading entries.

Turn in R6-8-Visualizing-80%-Due Today


CopyExit 61)Did I pass the 10th Grade FCAT reading test? 2)What was my most recent score? 3)By how many points and questions did I pass or fail? 4)Did I make improvements? Explain. 5)What safety nets can I use to help me pass the FCAT retake test or ACT/SAT?

For exit 6, if you haven't yet met with Ms. Batten, do so for the answers. Turn in.

Finish R5-"Our Mother's Garden"-80% assessment.

Common problems: Students not following directions, allusions not explained-I don't want to know who the allusion refers to or what it says in the footnote about them, but I want to know why Alice Walker would include them in the middle of her story. See Blog from 9/19 for help with that assignment. Other problems included: students not listing allusions on correct side, not including their own notes after Ms. Batten's notes and not writing in complete sentences for the answer to question 2 or using the question stem in their answer.
Fix all mistakes-turn in for 80% assessment grade.

Portfolio Title Page
Decorate your Portfolio Title Page. Include Your Full Name, English III, Ms. Batten, Yearbook Room. When finished, slip inside your portfolio. I'll be looking for it on the first portfolio check.

Data FolderGet a manila folder from Ms. Batten and a RTI handout. On the file, put your last name, first name and period on the tab. On the RTI sheet, put your name on the front and back and put it inside of the data file. Return manila file to Ms. Batten.

A1-Main Idea Post Test-80%-If you miss, must make up by the Thurs. following absence. You must mark the text using a key. Do not underline everything.

Progress Reports Distributed and Signed For. Class Procedures tests given to students as oral exam-continued.

R6-8-Visualizing Due 9/26A-9/27 B-80%
and Underclass Pics on 9/27 B and 9/28 A


9/16 A-9/19 B English III

Copy exit slip.Exit 5:1. In your own words define allusion. 2. What type of allusion does Walker use in “..Our Mother’s” and why does she use them? 3. What is the main idea of this story (sentence)?

R5-Our Mother's Garden-continued
Teacher explains how to complete chart and helps students do first part of assignment. Students are to read Holt pg 1294-1298 and document allusions on the left and notes/important details on the right. On the allusion side, list the allusion, the pg number and why you thought Alice Walker randomly included this allusion. Do not just write what the footnote says about the allusion, but instead think about it. For example, on 1296 Ma Rainey is alluded to. You would not put for your reason that Ma Rainey is a blues singer, because I don't want to know who she is. I want to know why Alice Walker put a random blues singer in the middle of an essay about her mom. If you think about it and read the context around Ma Rainey's name in the text, you'll see it says "Unlike Ma Rainey's songs...No song or poem will bear my mother's name." So you might infer that she included an allusion to Ma Rainey to show a contrast between an overly confident singer who sang about herself and her mother who will never truly be recognized for her creative genius, even though she is just as creative as Ma Rainey.

Allusions documented as a class:1296 Virginia Woolf-because she too felt women needed a place to express themselves like Alice Walker believed. She also believed that genius exists in the lower class and the suppressed, like Walker believed about her mother.

1296 Emily Bronte-because she is an English author who made it
1296 Robert Burns-because he is an Irish author who made it.

1296 Sainthood- because they were suppressed African American women who went crazy with no outlet to create.

1296 Jane Austen- because she is a successful women writer who made it.

On your own add on at least 5 more allusions

Notes documented as a class:
-her mother ran away at 17 and got married
-At 20 has 2 children and pregnant with the 3rd
-Mother struggles with racism
-Mother worked in field and at home
-Quilt in Smithsonian made by unknown black woman
-Most women have passed on their "creative spark"

Finish reading the story and complete on your own.

Class reviews assignment and completes Exit 5.

Work on R6-R8-Visualizing- due 9/26 A or 9/27 B in spare class time.


9/14 A-9/15 B English III

Copy Exit slip 5: 1)In your own words, define allusion. 2)What type of allusion does Walker use throughout "Our Mother's Garden" and Why does she use allusion? 3)What is the main idea of this essay in sentence format?

Turn in exit 4, W1-Final Draft with Rubric, Final Draft, Peer Edit sheet,Rough Draft and sketch-80% assessment

Independent Reading-20 minutes. R6-8 Due 9/26 A-9/27 B-80% Assessment

Turn in R2-R4 Visualizing-Due today. 80% Assessment

R5- "..Our Mother's Garden" Holt p 1294-1298

On a piece of paper, put a chart. On the left side label allusions. On the right side label Notes. As you read, you must document allusions, the pg they are listed, and why you thought the author included this allusion. Also, since this is a personal essay, which could be confusing, list important details on the right.

Ms. Batten does the first part with the class. Everyone takes notes with her as she documents allusions and notes on the board. Students will finish chart on their own.

R5 "Our Mother's Garden

Allusions (left side of paper) /
1296 Virginia Woolf-because
she too felt women needed a
place to express themselves.
Genius exists in the lower class
and in the suppressed.

1296 Emily Bronte-because she
is an author who made it.

Notes (Right side of paper)

-Mother ran away at 17 and got married
-At 20, has 2 children, pregnant with 3rd
-Five children, author born
-Mother worked in field and at home
-inspired by her mother to be an author
-quilt Smithsonian made by unknown woman

Lesson to be continued the next class. Do not read on own yet.


9/12 A-9/13B

Complete Exit 4 and turn in. If you don't know the answers listen to Ra Ta Ta today.

5th-Review Exit 3.

Ra Ta Ta Visualizing- Batten teachers how to do visualizing and reading notes for
3rd time.

Pg /Quote / Visualization / Extra
16 /"monster of a house"/I see a gigantic brick house / metaphor
16/ "sound that woke me"/I hear coal against metal /
17/"dirt-floor basement"/I an feel dirt between my toes/
17/"the voice..mice" /I can hear his piercing voice / sound, feel
18/"cocktail dresses" / I see a senior citizen planting/
rose garden / flowers while dressed up /

11 to 20
The narrator shares his childhood background, including family and home.

Independent reading- 20 minutes

W1-Bio-Final, RD, sketch, peer/self edit-Due 9/14 A-9/19 B (changed for 5th)

Take out a blank piece of paper, label peer edit, your name, period, date

List the following, leaving space for comments from a peer and yourself:
Hook/Engage reader
Elaborate details, specific info
Transitions, Organization
Spelling, Grammar

On this peer edit sheet, you MUST have someone read and make comments on your paper. For each item on your list, they need to comment. For example, for hook, they might put that they really enjoyed your hook, that your hook was ineffective or that you don't even have a hook. When they get to the spelling and grammar, they must go through the 10 writing tips given with W3 and make sure that they verify you haven't make any of those 10 mistakes. For example, if you abbreviated something you shouldn't have, on the edit sheet or your rough draft, they need to write, spell things out.

Then, you must go back and make comments next to their comments about your paper and/or their comments. So if there is something they missed or something they misunderstood you should clarify it yourself.

R2-4- Visualizing- Due 9/14 A- 9/19 B (changed for 5th due to schedule conflicts)

Turn in exit slip


9/8-9/9 English III

Copy Exit 4 1)How much of your English grade is reading notes with an independent reading book worth? 2) Describe in detail how to complete a reading entry. 3) Name 3 rules or requirements for each set of entries. 4) When is R2-R4 due for your class?

Teacher reviews in detail how to do the reading entries, which are 80 percent of student's grade in this class. See English blog from 9/6-9/7 for how to complete reading entries in detail.

Students reminded by teacher to turn in Exit 3 from last class. If not there for teacher explanation, you can answer this exit slip on your own after reading "Coming Into the Country."

Students reminded to turn in W2-Vocab 1 Foldable

Independent reading time given for students to start R2-R4-Visualizing.
25 minutes given.

W3-Writing Tips-Take detailed notes from lecture.
1. Spell things out. Ex: N-E-ways, bcuz, I am in KLPEE
2. Don't start with Well, Like, But, And, Or, Because
3. Don't talk to the reader unless directed to. Ex: In the next few paragraphs I will tell you all about myself.
4. Speaking in fragments and run-ons sounds horrible. Ex: What I expect from a teacher. (fragment) I play basektball and baseball but also I play football and I watch tv too. (run-on)
5. Don't write like you speak. Avoid slang. Ex: um, oh, well, like
6. Write more and Elaborate. Avoid Listing and instead put concrete details.
Ex: Instead Of: I like science because its fun. Write: My Biology Honors class taught by Mrs. Wait intrigues me. We conduct interesting labs, such as measuring the properties of light with a spectrometer.
7. a lot is two words
8. Watch usage of words. Ex: to, too, two their, there, they're
9. Subject and verb should agree. Ex: The people who hang with me is.. (people is plural but is is singular) the students is nice. (students is plural but is is singular) She like to take me to Chili's every Friday night. (Singular 3rd person subject means an s at the end of your verb). They likes to take me to Chili's every Friday night. (plural 3rd person subject means no s at the end of your verb)
10. An before vowel sounds
A before consonant sounds
Ex: An egg, An oboe, An honorable discharge, an honest error
A bowling ball, A cat, A game

W1-Bio Sketch returned. Everyone who turned it in received 25 points for participation. Now, you must edit and revise it into a final draft.

You and a peer must review for the following:
Did you engage the reader:
Do you have elaborate details instead of list like support?
Did you use transitions and do you have an organizational pattern?
Did you make any of the mistakes from W3-Writing Tip notes.

You and the peer reviewer must make editing notes to your draft. The peer reviewer must sign their name. If you do not submit a rough draft with editing marks, you will lose 15 points on the final draft. Final draft is 80 percent of grade. Do not turn in a paper that looks just like your original. Even if by some miracle, you don't find anything wrong with your essay, you must find things to revise and fix.

W1-Final-Bio Essay/RD/Sketch-Due 9/14 A and 9/15 B. 80 percent

Turn in exit slip 4


9/6 A-9/7 B English III

Finish W2-Vocab 1-Foldable-submit to basket

R1-"Coming Into the Country

Take out the piece of paper you already folded in half vertically and labelled one side positives and the other side negatives.

Make sure you have it labelled appropriately.

Now read "Coming Into the Country" by Gish Jen pg 10-13 Holt. As you read, document the positives and negatives the author mentions coming into America for the first time as an immigrant. One side should outweigh the other.

Then, at the end of the narrative essay, answer questions 1-4 in complete sentences on the same paper. Turn in. (5th block-due to issues with schedule, complete only chart and first question.)
If you don't finish R1 Coming Into the Country in Class, finish it at home at the Holt book site. My.hrw.com Login: tparker806 Password: braves Click on oarnge book and type in pg 10.

RA TA TA- Prayer for Owen Meany. (Didn't get to finish 5th block)

Teacher models how to do reading entries which are 80 percent of grade.
R2-R4 Visualizing Assigned-Due 9/14 A Wed 9/15 B Thurs

Guidelines for Reading Entries:
-They are 80 percent of your grade, so do them on time.
-Always 3 entries turned in for each independent reading assignment
-Each entry must indicate you've read 10 pages. So since you have to turn in 3 entries, you will be reading a total of 30 pages.
-Each entry must have 5 reading notes based on the strategy we are working with. Each set of notes should go with the 10 pages you are currently reading. This means since you have 3 entries, you will have a total of 15 notes.
-There are always 4 columns: pg, quote, strategy, extra.
-You will use the extra column at least once during the 3 entries.
-Use key words which indicates the strategy you are using or points off. For visualizing, this might be I visualize, I see, I hear, I smell, I feel, I taste

Author:John Irving Title: A Prayer for Owen Meany (Put the title and author on first entry of the three)

Pg/ Quote /Visualizing / Extra
2/"who was so small" /I see a boy that looks like a doll /sight
2/ "little he weighed"/ I feel him light like a feather/ feeling
2/ "gray powder" /I see him covered in soot /
2-3/ "reflected skin"/I see him as a pearl / simile
3 / "chunk of granite"/I feel a rock at my throat /sight/feeling
PG 1 to 10
The narrator introduces us to Owen Meany, a small character with some type of affliction.

R#3-Visualizing (Don't need to put title and author again, unless switching books)
This entry would have to start notes at pg 11 to keep with the 10 pgs per entry rule.

9/6 A-9/7 B Mass Media/Yearbook

Finish Commercial Critique/Turn in

Yearbook Critique
On a piece of paper list the following:
-Theme of last yearbook
-How is it used throughout the book visually and verbally (should be a long list)
-5 Likes and reasons you like
-2 things you would change,don't like or want to add
-submit to basket

Group Evaluation
Write everyone who was in your commercial group and explain everything they did to help make your commercial. Be as specific as possible. To be continued next class.


English III 9/1-9/2

Finish Word illustration for Word Wall with Group. Turn in.

W2 Vocab 1 foldable- 1. Fold piece of paper like a brochure, into thirds. Horizontally fold one edge to middle of paper, then the other edge of paper over the first fold. Make sure the foldable opens towards you like a book. 2. On front flap title Words, then space all 6 vocab words out down flap: disoriented (adj.), affliction (n.), inalienable (adj.), grievance (n.), communal (adj.), mainstream (n.) 3.On inside flaps, left flap List definitions of words, and on right folded flap, pictures that illustrate words
4. Open up folded flap, and label across two blank flaps Sentences. 5. Fold back up and turn over to remaining blank flap for heading: Your name, date, per, title. 6. Infer meanings of words based on word wall gallery. Discuss definitions as a class. 7. Finish drawing pictures for each word and writing sentences using the words with context clues. Turn in

Turn in W1-Biographical Sketch/Essay. Due today in basket.

Last chance to show Ms. Batten porfolio and reading book for this class. Both should be with you on a daily basis. If not turned in by today, points deducted.

Setup R1-"Coming Into the Country" by folding a piece of paper in half vertically, unfolding, then labelling left hand side of chart Positives and right side of chart Negatives. Label paper Name, date, period, Title. Start reading Holt, Coming Into the Country p 10-13. As you read, list on chart the positives and negatives she mentions for coming into America as an immigrant. To finish assignment, next class.

Question of the Day-Discussed.
15,688 responses
Question of the Day Statistics
Number Answered
Correct 10,575
Incorrect 5,113
67% correct
Critical Reading > Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
Scientists are studying the birth and growth of thunderstorms to discover what causes the difference between showers that enable crops to ------- and ------- storms that cause floods and erosions.
• (A) flourish . . violent
• (B) wither . . damaging
• (C) grow . . harmless
• (D) parch . . severe
• (E) multiply . . essential

Correct: AThe blanks call for a verb that is associated with the effects of showers and an adjective that is associated with the effects of storms.

A shower is gentle rain that waters crops, making them “flourish.” In contrast, the deluge of rain in a “violent” storm may damage crops and soil.

English III 8/26-8/31

Copy Exit Slip 3: 1)What is the main idea of "Coming Into the Country" (Write in sentence format)? 2) What was Jen's purpose for writing this essay?

Next, take out W1 Biographical Sketch and Finish essay. For 5th block, finish sketch then essay. For essay, hook-engage reader (Do not start with I was born or My name is), Elaborate details, use transitions and maintain an organizational pattern, and keep spelling and grammar in mind.

20 minutes given to finish essay in class. If not finished, MUST complete at home. Due 9/1 A and 9/2 B. Turn in Essay and sketch together with proper heading.

Portfolio/Reading book check-Participation points, Parent info sheet turned into basket for grade

Group Word Wall With group, on a piece of drawing paper, write your word large enough to be seen from far away, draw a picture which illustrates the word, use the word in context, making sure to use it properly according to the part of speech. Have word approved by teacher, then make it permanent, visible from far away. Put all names on drawing and turn in.

8/26-8/31 Mass Media/Journalism

Yearbook Commercials continued- Filming and Putting together Finalized. Students permitted to film around campus. Must be in .mov or .mp4 format. Target audience guides commercial and is explained during commercial presentation. Have buying info. $35, $25, $25. Can email projects to Battens@duvalschools.org.

Mass Media/6th-Also mark Class Procedures with Sub using the Annotating Text Key hanging in class. Teacher asks questions upon return. Test to come.

9/1-9/2- Present Commercials

Commercial Critique- Rate each commercial 1 to 10 and give commentary. Give one postive and one need for improvement for each commercial.

YB Critique- With group identify: What is the theme? How has the theme been used throughout the book? Look for visual and verbal clues to theme.