
2/16-2/17 B

Sign up for part daily.

Exit 24: 1)What do the author's stage directions reveal about the Proctor's relationship? Give an example from the text. 2)What has the Deputy Governer promised to the witches who don't confess? 3) List one metaphor used and explain why its a metaphor. 4. List one simile used and explain why its a simile.

Read-Act 2
4th 1123-1125, 5th 1123-1127, 7th 1123-1127

Gallery Walk, 5th. Group Duty All.

Exit 24 Copy, do, turn in.

Character Tableau-Act 1.

In spare time work on R36-38-multiple strategy Due 2/22 or Alternate 4 skill seminar lessons-Explorer.


2/14 A-2/15 B

Sign up for parts daily, 1st come, first serve.

Survival Card-Act 1-The Crucible. Due today. If you missed this, ask Ms. Batten for card. On the index card provided by Ms. Batten, take 15 minutes to scan through Act 1. You can put anything from Act 1 on this card and can use the front and back. Be sure to put your name and Act 1 on the card. You will receive this survival card to use during the test. Cards turned in after 15 minutes. It isn't a graded assignment, but is used as a tool to help students review Act 1.

A7-Compare/Contrast packet-Handed back all and finished reviewing as a class.

Review marking the text strategies/Also posted.

A7-CC Posttest80% Assessment. You are allowed to mark on the text if you use a marking strategy only.

When finished with Post-test, work on R6-38-Multiple strategies (Your Own Book)which is due 2/22 or Alternate Assignment: Only for those who didn't pass FCAT-Do Part 2 in Explorer/Best effort on 4 skill seminar lessons also due 2/22.(80% Assessment grade)

Review of Act 1-the end (Abby and Betty accuse witches/Tituba questioned.

R32-Character Chart for Act 1-returned with ? for anything left off of chart for Act 1. No grade has been assigned yet to this chart. Students have the opportunity to fix the missing details before the final grade is issued after reading.

Act 2, start reading p 1122. 4th 1122-1124 Eliz-quietly, fearing; 5th 1122-last time; 7th 1122-1123 It is a mouse no more. R32-Character chart used.

Teacher stops and discusses text for greater depth, possible test questions and future exit slip answers.

Students reminded to buy Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston in the next 3 weeks as extra credit.


2/10 A-2/11 B

Add Giles Corey, Goody Proctor and Rev. Hale to your chart, above or below it in white space.
Read The Crucible-pgs 1116 to 1120 (the end of Act 1) as a class.

Do Exit slip 23:1)How do you know Rebecca Nurse really belives in her religion(Book Quote is acceptable to answer with). 2)Why does Giles Corey have a problem with his wife reading "strange books"? 3)Why is Parris so surprised the devil would strike his home? 4)What was in the kettle which Hale sees as evil worship? 5)According to Tituba, why did she conjure spirits?

Discussed the text/reading as a class.

Finish R32-Character Chart for Act 1. -Turn in. Remember you will continue to use this chart in other acts, so don't feel like you have to have something for every character, just the ones you encountered in Act 1.

A8-Act 1-Quiz-The Crucible-80 percent of grade

R36-38-Multiple strategies-Due 2/22. Alternate assessment: For anyone who didn't pass FCAT. In explorer, provide best effort on first four lessons of skill seminar check. Also due 2/22. Or if you never did Explorer but turned in a reading entry for R33-35, you can substitute this reading entry with best effort on the Preflight check-10th grade Reading Timeline Explorer. -80 percent of grade


2/7 B-2/9 B

From Backmap, add anything you didn't have on your backmap for Performance Task-The Crucible. Or copy what is on the board and staple it to the old backmap. Turn in

Read p 1111-1116 The Crucible (4th and 5th block) or 1112-1116 (7th block). Fill out R32-Chart.

Exit slip 22: 1)What are two reasons someone will accuse Rebecca Nurse of being a witch? 2)Explain what Proctor and Parris argue about. Why are both men upset? 3)On p 1114, Miller says "There were no witches then." Why do you think he tells the reader this now? 4)What is one scientific reason why people may have been showing bizarre behavior such as muscle spasms or hallucinations? 5)What is revealed about hwy Putnam's daughter was involved with Tituba? (1110-1116)

Answer questions after copying exit slip, turn in.

Ms. Batten reviews reading and where to find exit slip answers.

Work time-work on R33-35 Reading-Multiple strategies or the alternative assessment-Explorer reading timeline-Preflight check. Due today 2/9 for 80 percent assessment grade.

2/3 B-2/4 A

Performance Task-End of Crucible
Choose a character from The Crucible. Complete a character analysis, explain their motivations for accusing others of witchcraft using a miminum of 3 textual examples in an analysis paper.

Backmap Performance Task with group. Also discuss as a class why it is important to map out everything we will need to discuss, do or learn before reaching this Performance Task at the end of The Crucible.

Turn in A7-Compare Contrast lesson-both parts should be completed.

Fix W9 Vocab 4 foldable with mistakes fixed as your Vocab Test Grade-80 percent assessment grade.

Work on R33 to R35 if time left, Due 2/9-80% Assessment Grade.



Sign up for parts for The Crucible.

Copy Exit slip 21 and answer questions during lesson

Exit 21: 1)Give one adjective to describe Abigail's relationship with the other girls. Also include a book quote that supports your adjective. 2)How do you know Proctor suspects Abigail is up to no good, when he visits Betty? 3)Give a quote from the book which discloses Proctor and Abigail had an inappropriate relationship. 4)What does Betty do, which others think is a notorious sign of witchcraft? (Comes from reading pages 1105 to 1110.

Take out A7-Compare/Contrast lesson-Part 2- Work on for 20 minutes. Part 2 is to mark using your own reading strategy pg 65, Do p 67, using short response frames. Mark using your own reading strategy pg 73 to 74. Do p75-76. This lesson is due, in complete, part 1 and 2 on Thursday, 2/3.
W9 Vocab 4 foldable returned to students with teacher comments on what should be fixed by vocab. test date, 2/3. Make sure all corrections have been made by that time. Also, study for your vocab test on 2/3.

Students sentences with stars are written on the board, to point out examples and non-examples of how to use words appropriately.

Play-p 1108 John Proctor Enters to 1110 before author's commentary (4th and 5th). Fill out character chart appropriately with characteristics, actions and motivations.

p 1110 A Psalm to 1110 Author's commentary.(7th) Fill out character chart appropriately with characteristics, actions and motivations.

Character chart is now an independent assignment. Students are responsible for recording info as the class reads. If you miss, read the part you missed and fill out chart on your own. Do not copy from another student. Be sure to listen to class discussion or ask the teacher what was discussed while absent to answer exit slip questions. DO NOT COPY EXIT SLIP ANSWERS. They are supposed to reflect what you learned, not someone else.

R33-35-Multiple- Assessment 80% grade-All students Due 2/9
For FCAT passers:Do Reading Entries 33-35, multiple strategies.
Remember its 10 pages, per entry. Find at least 5 strategies, but this time don't focus on just one type. You can record any strategy we have used before such as, visualizing, connection, Questioning the text, Inferences. Remember to record the pg you start at and the page you stop at for each entry and a one sentence summary. See Ms. Batten's modeling/Ra Ta Ta for more direction.

For students who still need to pass 10th Grade Reading/new students not in Explorer yet
You can choose to do the reading or you can work in FCAT Explorer. Explorer will help you improve your FCAT score if you take it seriously. As an alternative assignment to the reading you can opt to complete the 10th Grade Reading Timeline. By 2/9, you must provide best effort on the Preflight check. On a piece of paper you will right your heading, R33-35, and then write I tried my best and completed all of the preflight check. I will check your score and see if you took your time on the computer.

For pullout students in 7th block only.
Submit work completed in your pullout class from 1/27, 1/31, 2/2, 2/8 as an alternative assessment. Label a piece of paper as R33-35 and attach the work you've completed. If necessary you can also write what you complete each day with your pullout teacher. Due 2/9