

No Journal. Instead turn in portfolio. When you leave make sure you leave your portfolio in your designated spot. If your groups missing a sticker, see me. Also, if you aren't ready for me to grade your portfolio, put a post it note that says don't grade yet. Late portfolios will cost 5 points a day.

Open to pg 297 Tom Walker-Class reviews what was read and finishes the story to 299. Discussion continues regarding items that will appear on the test for this story.

After the story, go back and add in the last column for R28-What really happened-on your own.

Review W8-vocab 3. Foldable returned. Reviewed, fix mistakes and turn back in.

Main Idea Post Test-Postponed-next class-80% assessment

notices/reports/data chat conferences continue

A6 Test Tom Walker Part 1. Allowed to use foldable,story diagram, story terms, R28. Part 2,can use book.The next class.

Late work due by 12/17.


No Journal, instead continue organizing your portfolio for the check on 12/15.

If you haven't conferenced with me about Exit 16 and the Fcat data, please do so. Turn in exit slip 16.

W8-Vocab 3 foldable due today.

Taxonomy of a story. Take out a piece of paper and letter A-Z. For each letter put a term associated with writing or reading stories. For example,F:Fiction or C: Character. Try to put a term for every letter. Start on your own, then with your group and the Holt book, then as a class. Turn in to basket.

Class reviews part of Tom Walker they were supposed to read on their own, pg 294-296L. Discussion test questions. Plot diagram discussed. Exposition: beginning of the story where the main characters, beginning of conflict and setting are revealed. Rising Action: complications and further conflicts are added to build suspense. Climax: The most interesting part of the story or the turning point of the conflict.Denouement (Day-noo-mahn): Resolution or how the story ends.



No Journal. Turn in W7-Performance Task by attaching the rubric and the backmap. Then organize your portfolio for a portfolio check on 12/15. J1-20, R1-27, A1-Pretest context to A5-Pretest Main Idea, W1-Myself-W6 Taxonomy/Writing Tips

Copy exit slip questions depending on whether you passed the original FCAT, the retake or neither:
Exit slip 16: 1) Did I pass the FCAT test (do 1-3), retake test (do 1-4) or neither (do 1- )? 2) What was my most recent score? 3) By how many points did I pass or fail? 4) What helped me pass the retake or what could I have done differently to pass the retake? 5) What is/are my weakest strand(s)? 6)Did you make improvements? If so, what? What safety net(s) will I use in order to pass this test and prepare for graduation?

A5-Main Idea Lesson Due in basket.
Conference with Ms. Batten about FCAT scores.
As a class read to pg 294 of Tom Walker, discuss and fill out R28
On own, read from 294-last paragraph to 296L, be prepared to discuss
Work on W8-Vocab 2 foldable. Due 12/13
Tom Walker Test and Portfolio on 12/15


12/6 A-12/8A


Take out your model essay and write an introduction paragraph for your W7-Performance Task: The American Dream due 12/9. Remember it should start with a hook and end with a thesis.

Class discusses/reviews the introduction, thesis, body and conclusion of the model essay for the Performance Task Due 12/9. Remember the thesis is the last sentence of the introduction which states how you feel about the topic+the reasons why you feel that way in one to two coherent sentences.

Listening Quiz given on review of model essay and assignment.
Review of Assignment due 12/9 (100 point assessment grade)
W7-Performance Task-The American Dream
-Include backmap as cover page (attach)
-Min. of 3 sources (2 from Unit 1)
-Works Cited Page and Citations (use citationmachine.net)
-Free from errors W6 notes-1-6
-Follow Persuasive Essay Format (W6 Notes)
-Rubric (attach)

A5-Main Idea Lesson/Skit assignment pg 292*/finish drawings-Class splits up again. Students assigned the main idea packet review the first part and receive the 2nd half of the assignment from Ms. Batten. Due 12/9.
-Students assigned setting or vocabulary must turn it in or finish it.
-Students finished with vocab or setting assignment organize, direct and perform a skit from pg 292 Holt The Devil and Tom Walker where Tom Walker meets the devil.

TogetherClass reads, while listening to the audio, Holt p291-294. As they read they take notes, mark with a pencil or use post-it notes to mark predictions for R28 Predictions (15) due at the end of the story. Take notes for Test when Ms. Batten stops and discusses the story.



Benchmark Testing-12/2-12/3

J19: Take out the model brainstorm given to you for the performance task, and start your own brainstorm. Remember the essay is due 12/9.

Exit slip 15: 1)What type of inferences are we using to help understand The Devil and Tom Walker? 2)What literary elements impact the mood in a story? 3)What is the mood of the exposition of the story? 4)Explain how you know this is the mood using story details.

Turn in W5-Vocab 2 foldable-with fixes for test grade*Differentiated Instruction: Class splits into 3 groups. If you failed the pre-test for main idea-take out the main idea packet, label it A5-lesson, and listen to Ms. Batten as she takes you through the packet. For homework, do pg 82 bottom paragraph, mark pg 83, Answer or label question/directions on pg 84 in right hand column, also use the table of contents strategy on pg 84 by giving titles to each chunk. Then on pg 85, fill out the chart and answer question 1.

-If you passed the main idea pre-test, Ms. Batten gives one of the following assignments:
*Choose a word from pg 189: Write the word at the top of the paper, draw a picture illustrating the word, use the word in context. Make this visible.
*On pg 191, read the setting of the story, now draw a scene that shows the setting and include a quote from the setting. Put your name on this and turn in.

Everyone: Part 1-Tom Walker pg 291-Complete R28-Predictions while reading the story.

Columns: Pg/Clues/Predictions/Actual Events. Must come up with 15 predictions throughout the reading.


11/29 B-11/29A

Review of what was done the week before Thanksgiving: J18/Exit slip 13 was reviewed/Performance Task models were distributed. Exit slip 14 could have been completed the last class, however, we will review it today. Turn it in today if you haven't already

Discussion Performance Task

Mood vs tone reviewed. Mood is the way the reader is supposed to feel at different parts of the story. Tone is the author's attitude about what they've written.

Group Work-continued- Each group writes 2 poems with contrasting moods. The second poem should be based on the first poem, but with diction that reflects a contrasting mood. For example, one cheerful and one gloomy poem. Each poem must have a minimum of six lines and use at least 2 figurative devices, which are labelled in poem. Turn in both poems. If absent, do on your own. You may need the mood worksheet which lists adjectives reflecting mood.

W5-Vocab 2 foldable reviewed. Students are selected to write sentences on the board which are right or wrong ways to complete sentences. Class reviews the use of each word and whether context clues are included to help the reader understand the meaning of the word. Fix this foldable after the review and turn back in for a test grade. All things which need to be corrected are marked by me.