
11/4 B-11/5 A

J15-Do the opposite lettered journal. If you did A last time, do B this time.

Discuss as a class each journal. Review.

Articles distributed to students. Some students get "Who's Coming to America" by Sam Robert and some students get Immigrants Take Ever More Perilous Routes to America by Dean Paton. Label whichever article you were assigned A3-TOC strategy.

Class splits. Half of class reviews TOC strategy and their article with Ms. Batten, the other half works on W5-Vocab 2 foldable. Then the two groups switch.

For vocabulary use the model on the standards based bulletin board, the word wall and Holt pg 1302-1305 to infer the meanings of words.

TOC-strategy. Bracket off chunks of the text and for each chunk write a 3 to 4 work headline that gives the main idea of the chunk.

When finished, you can work on R22-24 Connections due 10/8

W5-vocab 2 foldable due today. If not done with A3-TOC strategy, then do it for homework.