
4/19 A-4/20 B

J#50 "It is often safer to be in chains that it is to be free." -Franz Kafka

Think, pair, share, discuss

Exit slip 15: What message was Simon and Garfunkel sending with "The Sound of Silence"? After learning what you did today, give at least 2 reasons you feel this way.

Mini-Lesson: Discussion of Analyzing poetry and a brief introduction to 1)Speaker 2)audience 3)Tone 4)Theme/message 5)Patterns/shifts 6)Figurative devices/diction

Song Sound of Silence played- students asked to listen for meaning

Group work- Analyze the poem based on what we discussed today in the mini-lesson.

Poem played back after groups discuss.

Next class: To discuss all elements analyzed, group work and Exit slip to be turned in

HW: Bring in a song to analyze; make sure it has deeper meaning; printout or audio version, acceptable