

3/23 A -3/24 B

No Journal

W15-Figurative Language Notes

Follow the direction on this handout carefully to complete W15. Due today. You will have 20 minutes the next class to finish if you don't today.

Exit slip 13:What is a simile? What is a metaphor? What is personification? What is imagery? What is alliteration?

3/25 A-3/26 B

No Journal, instead study for Vocabulary test or work on W15 if not finished

W15- due to Ms. Batten for credit. Work completed is highlighted and returned to student to assist them with writing the I Am From poem.

W17-Vocabulary 2 Test- Write a story using all 5 words, context clues, and the words properly. Also add in 2 figurative devices.

Review I am From poem requirements; rubric distributed. Due 3/29 or 3/31 A and 3/30 B. First draft can be hand written. After spring break, we will type and record the poems. Bring in a blank CD for this.

3/29 A-3/30 B

J#47 "Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company." Booker T. Washington

T,P,S of journal

Reminders of what is due. Turn in W15 for credit, it doesn't matter if I highlighted it already, it still hasn't been graded.

W16- I am From- first draft due today ( or 3/31 A day); Make sure rubric is attached

Exit slip 14: Give an example of a simile. Give an example of a metaphor. Give an example of imagery. Give an example of personification. Give an example of alliteration. ( don't use my examples; you can only come up with your own)