
2/9 B-2/11 B

J#37 "Difficulties are meant to rouse, not to discourage." William Every Channing

Think, pair, share, record examples from each group member.

Exit slip 10- What was your Reading SSS score from last year? 2)How many points do you need to pass or improve your level? 3) What scores did you receive in SSS Benchmarks 4) What scores did you receive on the practice FCAT Benchmarks? 5)What level were you at with SSS? What level are you now? 6)Have your reading scores or level improved? 7)Why or why not (give 3 reasons)

Copy questions and leave room for answers. Meet with teacher to conference about FCAT scores.

Catch up in FCAT Explorer if not done. New assignment coming.

Work on Makeup work if not done with it. List of assignments on the board.