
2/17 A-2/18 B

J#39 "He has not learned the lesson of life who does not everyday surmount a fear." Gaius Julius Caesar

Think, pair, share

Exit slip 11: 1)Why is it important to answer all short or extended response questions completely? 2)What elements must you include in the short response to receive full credit? 3) What elements must you include in the extended response to receive full credit? 4)Why should you find something important to mark in each passage? 5)Why should you mark key words in FCAT questions?

Mini-lesson- short/extended response review of parts and frames; gallery walk model short/extended response, Vocabulary Wall-word wall explanation.

Work Period:
Group work: Go to the short and extended response models and copy down the 2 examples for the short response and the 2 examples for the extended response only. Then make sure all of your names are on the paper.

Word- Choose a word with Ms. Batten's approval. Then put the word at the top of the paper so that it is visible, with the part of speech next to it. Below the word illustrate the word meaning. Under the illustration write a sentence using the word and context clues. Make it in color and visible. Ms. Batten must approve your word before you hang it or receive credit.

EXPLORER: DUE 2/19 A-2/22 B
10th- up to 100 questions of timeline and challenge list completely done
9th-up to 130 questions of the timeline and challenge list completely done