
3/20 A -3/25 B

3/20 A- 3/23 B


Each person in group gives Ms. Batten a rubric

While each group presents, take notes on the method they use to present, making sure to record thier names or group color. Then after the presentations, write a reflective paragraph, mentioning specific things about how effective different groups were in the methods they chose.

TFA HW-Refer to calendar- Ch 12-13 Homework- add TFA- when anything starts to fall apart in the Ibo community

J#16- What is propaganda? Define it, talk about it, then write one paragraph about what you feel it means.

A10-TV shows that changed TV- finished
Groups answer 4 together

Add to A10 notes about why the TV show really changed TV- from Ms. Batten's lecture

Photo Scavenger Hunts checked again

Deadline 4 Due
16 pages of Ads cut
today after school
Grades aren't given for spreads unless they are completed, all editors have signed off on the checklist, and he envelope has been placed in the deadline box

3/24 A- 3/25 B

No Journals until after Spring break

EA5-Bend it Like Beckham Paper discussed in detail. Numerous handouts, including rubric, outline, model outline, model papers, etc given to each student. Paper is due April 9-A or April 10-B

HW ch 14-18 over Spring Break- don't forget to add TFA

Finish Bend it Like Beckham-the movie- pg 110- part 4 notes

J#17-Take notes on the following propaganda terms from teacher lecture. If absent, copy from a group member.
  1. Testimonial
  2. Plain Folks
  3. Bandwagon
  4. Transfer
  5. Card Stacking
  6. Glittering Generalities
  7. Name calling

A10- notes from teacher lecture finished and turned in for credit

Propaganda Group work- Choose any product to sell to the class: cell phone, shoes, yearbook, etc. Then choose two propaganda techniques. Make a poster for each technique on the product you've chosen. To be presented the next class


work on deadline 5




3/16 A-3/19 B

each person's 2 sources, brought in for homework, checked for grade

students who did not bring in research were moved out of group

Review for Chapters 8-11 Quiz; Take Ch 8-11 Quiz in class

Brief review of Egwugwu scene in reading.

Bend it Like Beckham- Part 2 completed- B day
Bend it Like Beckham-Part 3 completed-A day

Work on group comparing communities project

Mass Media
J# What are your favorite tv shows? What are the favorite shows of your family members? Why do you both enjoy the shows you watch?
A7-Analyzing Photography
  1. What is this picture of? (be descriptive)
  2. What is the reality or real story behind this picture?
  3. Why do you think the photographer took this picture?
  4. Give it a creative title.

Answer the above questions for the four pictures shown in class, or if absent, go to jeromeliebling.com and click on pictures. Choose four pictures to analyze by answering the questions above about each.


No more faculty/staff contact info due

Deadline 2-3 last chance to turn in late on Wednesday

3/18 A- 3/19 B


B- Finish Part 3- BIB

All- Work on group projects due the next class

Mass Media

A10-shows that changed TV

  1. Name of Show
  2. Notes of each clip
  3. Why you think this show changed TV
  4. After talking with group, why they think this show changed TV

J#Think about all the tv shows you've heard of, past or present, that have won awards, changed tv, or had a mass following of fans. List them in your journal.


Work on Deadlines. Wednesday last day for late Deadline 2 or 3.


3/10 A-3/13 B


Review of EA-4-Comparing Communities Group work assignment. For description look at wkbk pages 163-164.

Time given in class to work on group assignment.

On Mon-A, Tues-B each group member must bring in 2 sources for their topic, if not they are kicked out of their group and either have to work alone or find group members in the same situation.

Presentations due Friday, March 20 A, Monday March 23 B

Photo Scavenger hunt due-time given in class to finish
A-can turn in the next class


March 13- Deadline pages due
March 18-Last chance to submit late pages for deadline 2 or 3
March 20-Deadline 4 Due
April 9- Deadline 5 Due

See calendar for due dates.


3/6 A- 3/9 B

English II Honors

Guest Speaker
FCAT 6, 7, 8- completed in class. Results given. Tally scores and finish filling out charts at home. Turn in all charts and 6,7, 8 the next class.

Pg 163-164- Workbook- Review Comparing Communities group assignment. Choose your groups topic and come up with a plan of what you will research. If you do not have your 2 sources on Monday-A, Tuesday- B of next week, you will be moved to a new group. You will have 2 class days to work on the project.

March/April Calendar distributed with due dates for assignments.

Rubric distributed to 1B for Group Project

J#13- take notes on each of the following
  1. extreme long shot
  2. long shot
  3. medium shot
  4. close-up
  5. extreme close-up
  6. high angle
  7. low angle
  8. oblique/canted angle
  9. birds-eye view
  10. dolly shot

Assignment 9- Photo Scavenger Hunt distributed- HW for 2B- due Friday

A6- newspaper parts reviewed

A8- newspaper parts quiz


  • Brief look at calendar distributed to you
  • NHS- pics Monday during 3rd
  • Superlative pics Monday, after school
  • Breaking the rules- needs to stop- 3 detentions=referral
  • Monday everyone stays after school
  • become self-motivated to do your job and help others, I shouldn't have to go around herding you like cattle
  • no time to socialize at computers
  • use helpers- be prepared for them
  • Destiny deposit


3/4 A - 3/5 B


FCAT#5- Oranges- mark the text as we discussed for poems. Answers reviewed in class, charts filled out, turned in.

Ch 10-11 Checked. No TFA Homework tonight.

BIB- Part 3- pg 108

J#12- Take notes on the following Photo Terms
  1. Anticipate the Moment
  2. Use unique angles
  3. Look for Emotion
  4. Use Leading Lines
  5. Find Repetition
  6. Fill the Frame
  7. Tell a Story
  8. Use rule of thirds
  9. Stop Action using panning
  10. Stop Action using tilt
  11. Use Framing

Bring a digital camera to class on 3/10. One per group is acceptable.


Work on Deadlines


Club spreads rearranged- reassigned


2/26 A-3/3B



Ch 7 marking the text-checked as homework

Ch 8-9 Homework due next class. Mark text as usual. See chart on board.

Ch 2-7 split up amongst groups. Pick the 5 most important things from each set of page numbers.

A-Ch 4 Quiz
B-Ch 1-3 Quiz

J#9-Do you read the newspaper? If so what section do you read? Why? Who do you think most likely reads the newspaper? Why?

J#10- If you were the editor of Terry Parker's paper. Would you publish the following? Write each situation with an explanation.
1)A student was assaulted in the restroom
2)An article containing profane language
3)An article rating teachers from best to worst
4)An advertisement for cigarettes
5)A student suspended for drinking at Prom

Discuss in groups and look for someone to represent you as a debater.

Class Debate- Fishbowl. Points awarded for debate points. Winning group gets 20 extra credit points.

Homework A-5- Radio Analysis due next class
SB2 Quiz due the next class



Homework check Ch 8-9

Ch 10-11 Homework due the next class.

Finish review Chapters 1-7. Groups share

A-Ch 5-6 Quiz
B-Ch 4 Quiz


J#11- Respond to the following quote for 5 minutes:These days it seems that physical “truth” can easily be rearranged, rethought, or re-created outright. Any image can be made pristine, all the warts can be removed.But returning to the source of a thing–the real source–means the photographer has to watch, dig, listen for voices, sniff the smells, and have many doubts.My life in photography has been lived as a skeptic.–Jerome Liebling, The People, Yes, 1995

A6-newspaper parts- finish for homework. Label the parts of the newspaper using the chart. Turn both the chart and newspaper into the basket.

A5- Radio Analysis homework Due

SB2 Quiz, study for 10 minutes before taking quiz. Turn in SB2 Notes.

Radio Analysis Group Work-
  1. What overall subjects keep appearing in the songs played?
  2. What do the keywords/lyrics say about your generation? (1 paragraph)
  3. What message are artists, producers, radio stations sending to youth? (1 paragraph)

Discussed in class


-Journals past due

-faculty contact due next Mon

-Myspace due 3/13 artwork/money

-continue lists from Ms. Batten

-Clubs reporters stay 3/3 after school

-copies-club slips- photo schedule pics update

-proofs in by Friday

-checklists must be completed

-Sports/Epps see me

-Baseball Varsity-individual pics