
12/3 A-12/4 B

J#28- Make a list of any misunderstandings you've had with others. An example would be accidentally calling someone the wrong name, when you thought there name was something else.

R#28- Write working on FCAT Reading

Formative Assessment Review

-Ms. Batten checks each formative assessment to see that you have put why you think you got the score you did on the short response questions (Formative 1-3).

-Formative 3 reviewed in class, as a class.

-Formative 4- given as homework. You must mark the questions, then mark the text looking for information that reminds you of the questions, then circle proper nouns in the text. (bubble sheets, and articles distributed) Due next class.

A day- to share dialogue-group stories


Class discussed journal entry and shared cultural misunderstandings as well. Ms. Batten gave many examples to the class of cultural misunderstandings which inspired a class conversation.

Homework- Brainstorm at least 10 things you could potentially write about for the cultural misunderstanding narrative. They can be real and make believe, so long as you can write a story about them.

Mass Media

J#28- Propaganda: the art of persuasion
-spreading of ideas;information or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person.
-intended to make us accept or approve something without looking closely at the evidence

A Day- did A14-TV shows that changed history- in class

B day-
A15-Propaganda- Take Notes
1. Testimonial
2. Glittering Generalities
3. Transfer
4. Plain Folks
5. Bandwagon
6. Name Calling
7. Card Stacking

Before taking notes, on a piece of paper with your group members, write an explanation for what you think each term means, based on the name.

Then take notes from what Ms. Batten says.

Ms. Batten distributes propaganda techniques to each group. Each gr0up chooses a product to sell to the class using the technique they received. They must design a poster to go with their commercial/presentation.

Yearbook-Work on Deadline 1 and 2