
12/15 B-12/16 A

English II

J#31-You can never plan the future by the past." -Edmund Burke
*Take out Formative Assessments 1-4

R#31- Write working on FCAT reading

Formative Assessment 4- Grade the short response and write why you gave yourself that score.

Take Formatives 1-4 and record them on the Formative Assessment collection sheet. The scores are out of 6 points. For the summative write: didn't take.

Turn in the data collection sheet and Formative Assessment 4-Bubble sheet/scantron.

All of your Formative Assessment information belongs in one place-in your portfolio. Keep it all together and organized for easy access.

Outline-Model- read and discussed thoroughly in class. Your outline should be completed by the next class.

Model Paper read aloud and discussed in class. Ms. Batten stops and discusses and points out examples in the model such as: description/sensory details, dialogue punctuation and rules, inner thoughts, elements of plot, etc.

Mass Media
J#31-What is TiVo and how do you think it has effected advertising? Discuss with your group, then respond. (5 min) Then regroup and make sure you are preparing for your/others' presentations today.

A18- Product Placement- continued during presentations. Ms. Batten asks reviews with class the directions to A18 and how they will be graded for the presentations.

A19-Quiz-Product Placement- Using your notes, take the quiz based on the presentations

Homework- A20- TiVo is Watching- Take home the 18 questions and rewrite them in student friendly language. You can use another piece of paper if needed.


Work on deadlines.