
1/25 B - 1/26 A FCAT PRACTICE

Students are taking FCAT Practice today. If in class, makeup can be completed for FCAT explorerer or the current term.


1/7 A-1/25 A


J#32 "It is dangerous to be right on matters which the established authorities are wrong." Voltaire

Exit slip 8:
1)What are the parts of an expository essay? 1B)Briefly explain each part 2) What are the parts of a persuasive essay? 2B)Briefly explain each part

Lesson-Trivia review- Trivia competition between groups

Begin essay parts sort with group, cut parts, prepare envelopes

1/11 A-1/12 B

J#33 "It is better to deserve honors and not have them, rather than to have honors and not deserve them." -Mark Twain

Groups work on essay sorts and studying for essay sort quiz

Exit slip 8 to be turned in

Individual Conferences exit slip 1-7 and writing

1/13 A-1/14 B
Creative Writing
J#34 "The man who doesn't read good books is no better than the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Exit slip 8 past due

Mini-conferences Exit slip 1-7- and writing

Explanation essay parts/essay return

-Groups continue group sort of essay parts, brainstorm explained as well

-Closing: To be quizzed by teacher on your groups matched essay parts.

1/15 A-1/19 B

J#35 "I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think." Socrates

Group sort quizzes finished. Group sort past due.

Group brainstorm assignment turned in. Identify if the following 5 topics are persuasive or expository:
1)Should internet use be monitored for youths 16 and younger?
2)Write to convince your school principal whether school uniforms should be worn?
3)Write to explain the changes you would make to modern classes to make them more comfortable.
4)Should the driving age be changed to 18 and older?
5)Write to explain what your dream job would be and why.

Now each group must use the model brainstorms, persuasive and expository and brainstorm 3 of these above topics in detail. Turn into basket.

1/20 A-1/21B

1/20 A- catch up/behind
1/21 B- J#35 see above
Read Expository student model and Persuasive student model in class; discuss
Essay Quiz; graded and reviewed.
Conferences continued exit slip 1-7 and writing scores.

1/25 A J#36 "Of those that say nothing, few are silent." Thomas Neill

Read Expository student model and Persuasive student model in class; discuss
Review persuasive and expository parts. Essay Quiz; graded and reviewed.
Conferences continued exit slip 1-7 and writing scores.