
4/14 A- 4/15 B

English II
Compare and Contract Okonkwo to Uchendu using textual support.


Read Ch 21-22-HW due the next class (mark in your book)

Portfolio grade returned

Groups present first set of pages. 1B-left off with pink group. Review.

J#21-Free Response

Copy handouts distributed- 5 handouts

A12-Writing interesting copy- make two columns, one do and one don't, fill out the chart as we discuss interesting and boring stories in class

3 articles-Brady Dennis- read in class and discussed in detail as models. HW assignment, take home Man in the Mask and One hour at Time and label it the way I did with After the Sky Fell. Due the next class.

SB4 Quiz- next class.

Deadline 5 and proofs due Frida



3/26 A- 4/13 B


1a- character tableau- TFA
1b- review Bend it Like Beckham worksheets, models and handouts. Organize portfolios for check coming up after spring break.

Mass Media

J#18-List all of the Parker clubs you can think of with your group.

Newspaper assignment- group- Pretend like you are the editors of the Smoke Signals newspaper and decide which clubs you would feature if you only had two pages to do so. Present propaganda posters to class, as if you are doing a real commercial. Turn posters in. Then explain your choice to feature the clubs you did.

YEARBOOK- work on deadlines

4/7 A- 4/8 B
J#35- Describe the relationship Ezinma and Ekwefi have. Use textual support.
R#35- Write TFA Ch 19-20- HW due 4/14 A- 4/15 B

Bend it Like Beckham-paper reminder/review

EA#6- TFA Literary Analysis mapped out as a class- Place in front of your portfolio

Page numbers distributed for Ch 8-18 to groups. Choose 5 things from each set of pages, total of 10, to share with the rest of the class.

Mass Media
J#19-free- write whatever you want
Yearbook workbooks distributed- caption pg 8 done and turned in for grade
A11-caption notes- take notes during presentation

Yearbook- Monday- don't have to stay after, instead stay after this week for 3 hours, or during SOS if you are behind on any deadlines-required
-Mondays will continue until all proofs are in

4/10 A- 4/13 B
Describe some of the wedding/courting rituals in the Ibo culture. Use textual support.
R#36- TFA Ch 19-20

EA5- Bend It paper due. Rubric, Final Draft, Rough Draft, Outline, Brainstorm

Portfolios checked in class- due for 100 points.

Mass Media

J#20-Free response

A11- caption notes finished
1B-copy started


Monday- 2:30-4:30 staying after

Work on group TFA review assignment or reading TFA.